A science fantasy short story set in a futuristic military-style dystopia with dire scarcity of resources and lacked for compassion.
A's Egg is now in English for the first time. The original b/w version was self-published in 2000, followed with the coloured version in 2003 (and was again self-published in 2004 with English translation inserted separately in 2010). Both versions were printed in the original book format. This new web edition is adapted from the coloured version and updated in English. (2021)
A science fantasy short story set in a futuristic military-style dystopia with dire scarcity of resources and lacked for compassion.
A's Egg is now in English for the first time. The original b/w version was self-published in 2000, followed with the coloured version in 2003 (and was again self-published in 2004 with English translation inserted separately in 2010). Both versions were printed in the original book format. This new web edition is adapted from the coloured version and updated in English. (2021)