This comic began as a series of jokes and tweets between Martin Dunn and Shawn Langley in 2013. The two comic creators began to draw what is now known as the first season on a whim and posting them on twitter. The first 14 pages were a hodgepodge of art thrown together via sketches, and layouts were assembled using the procreate and comic life apps on an iPad. Neither of them expected the comic to grow in popularity, but a small fan base emerged from those initial pages.
An anti-hero known as “The Spectromancer” runs an internet based Ghost bounty hunter agency, called #IFightGhosts.
The series, Chronicles the story of Darren Palmer, a twenty-something con man who is killed in a freak accident, and given a second chance at redemption by serving as a "Spectromancer". His task is to hunt down and return the rogue spirits who've escaped limbo's judgement. However, Darren is all about personal gain, and instead begins to exploit his powers for profit.
Created by Martin Dunn, Moises Fermin, and Shawn Langley.
Creative Team
Written By: Martin Dunn with Dustin Holifer
Art By: Moises Fermin
Colors By: Jeremy Calderon
Flats By: Dustin Orazi
Letters By: CAE Studios
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