"Who am I? Where am I? WHAT THE HELL AM I 'POSE TO SURVIVE IN A WORLD WITH POKEMON ROAMING OUTSIDE!" Henry stressed, as the reality of what he just saw sunk in. The strange plants were enough, but why? Why is there a flaming bird soaring through the sky? And that size. The size of that bird would make a fully grown American eagle look like a dove in comparison. Can he survive in this place? Why is a bird on fire? Animals don't need superpowers—they're already scary and dangerous. *Inhale* "Fu**! F*** me! F*** this world! F*** everything! *Exhale* Fu**" Henry let out his frustration, cursing repeatedly. After a minute, he calmed down and sat, glooming about his life. "At least give me one of those cheats we see in isekai's. I mean, is this punishment for saying isekai's are turning into generic trash?" He muttered. "I'm sorry, okay? Give me a cheat too," he said, wallowing for another hour as he faced reality. "Haaa! Let's get out and look around. Maybe it's not that..." Henry said, mustering strength and stepping outside again. He knew he couldn't live off what he had forever; it would last a month or two at most, so he'd have to hunt eventually.
As he scouted around the cave, he saw, although far from where he was, a giant vine hoisting a bear-like creature into the sky. That creature shot fire from its mouth, the explosion impacting something on the ground, causing a minor earthquake and a very visible mushroom cloud. Then it looked like it worked—the creature fell from the sky as the giant vine seemed to fall dead. Anyway, he went back inside, closed the door to his trailer, locked it, and hid in his blankets again. It became worse. Why is everything on fire? Was there a giveaway of fire abilities or what? Anyway, scary animals that can shoot fire bombs—why? Just why? "*Deep breath* Fu**" He cussed as he laid there, not wanting to look outside again. What was he going to see next, a flaming dinosaur? He was tired and—*grrrrr*—his stomach growled. He was hungry now; he didn't eat yesterday, so it was a given. "Let's just eat and watch a movie," he said, wanting to keep his mind off things.
After eating some food, Henry sat down and collected himself, facing the harsh reality of his life. "If I'm going to live, then I have to start adjusting," he said to himself. But for now, he wasn't going to do anything major like stepping outside his cave. He first had to assess all his current resources. Fuel was already a no-go, but it's not like he was going to drive somewhere. He checked his electronics and made sure his power station and the solar charger were working well. And with that, now was water. "Hmmm," he scratched his head. There wasn't enough water to last a week; he'd need to find some. Wondering whether he could drink the water here was something he didn't even want to put in the front of his mind. The same as food—are there any edible foods here for him, or will there be effects to the food he eats? Will he catch on fire? "It'd be cool if I gained fire abilities, though," he muttered. Anyway, there was so much to consider when figuring out how he'd survive. He took out his laptop. "Damn, there's no internet here," he said. He wanted to write down his notes, but without internet, they wouldn't be transferred to his phone. So he went with a book he had, although it was a drawing book he hadn't used yet. Oh well. He jotted down his plans, his concerns, all the plans for moving forward, and most importantly, a schedule. He divided his time for all the tasks he'd do and set multiple alarms on his watch, but he set it on vibrate. There was no way he'd allow an alarm to notify the monsters in this forest. And so he spent the rest of the day planning and organizing himself. "The sun is setting. I guess I'll start the timer," Henry muttered as he sat at the entrance of the cave, looking at the sunset. In front of the cave was a small pasture of purple flowers that lit up dimly, illuminating the ground. Although it was beautiful, Henry got up and went inside. He feared the light might attract monsters and expose him. So in he went. Although he wasn't tired much, as he laid in bed, what he experienced was more akin to a person adjusting to a different time zone. So he laid there until he fell asleep.
(The Next Day)
Henry woke up after a long, peaceful sleep. Once he fell asleep, even the sound of the many animals in this forest howling, squealing, and whatever other sounds they made couldn't wake him up. Henry was one of those you'd call a dead sleeper. Once he falls asleep, no matter what noise you make, he ain't waking up. As he woke up, he did some light stretches, then checked the timer he set on his phone. "From sunset to now, which is..." He said as he went outside. Although the big trees made it difficult for him to see clearly, he was able to see the rising sun. He then stopped the timer at twelve hours and some minutes. But he now had time according to this world, at least. And so he adjusted his schedule. He made sure he had to be here by four PM. So he went back in and did his home chores—cleaning, food prep, etc. After all that, he wore some protective gear and took some dried meat for the way, a book to draw a map, and all other hiking stuff. All in all, he was as prepared as he could be. So he set out. He locked everything and set out for scouting. "*Inhale* I've got this," he said as he left. "But which way do I go?" he wondered as he stood at the end of the small pasture. He was by a mountain right now, and it was quite peaceful. So even if it's just been a day, he was already settled. Leaving here was scary, but more so, he didn't know which direction to head first. "I guess I have no choice," he said dramatically. He went and picked up a sti... "Haaa!" He screamed after he picked up what looked like a stick. But after he picked it up, it literally changed its color and turned into a green snake. He immediately threw it down behind him, and to his surprise, he made a fascinating discovery.
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Suddenly out of nowhere while Henry went camping he fell through dark hole on the ground, as he tries to figure out what happened he finds himself in a forest full of fantasy-like creatures
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