"Why can you talk?!" I choked out with complaints.
This beast resembled a lynx, an ordinary animal inhabiting wild areas.
He was sitting in front of me. He was eyeing me suspiciously, as if he was looking straight into my soul.
He didn't look ordinary. He had black fur and glowing dark blue eyes.
I've never met such an individual before.
I swung my saber at him. The lynx jumped in the opposite direction, avoiding my attack.
I didn't hold back and ran closer to the beast, jumped from above and made a swing.
Same thing again. He avoided it.
When I saw that I hadn't managed to cut anything, I turned around. Behind me sat my opponent, about 2 meters away.
"Why are you attacking me for no reason? You are so Childish."
I thought his stay here had a purpose related to me.
A possessed person and forest beasts are two different topics.
It may seem that they are similar.
A possessed person is a person whose soul has been swapped with that of a forest beast. Which means immediate death to the person who fell victim to it.
Beasts who want to take a given body under their control also face certain side effects. Few bodies can withstand the exchange of souls with another organism.
The second problem is the physical and mental abilities of the civilian who becomes possessed. Most of the victims are ordinary defenseless citizens. Their bodies are not adapted to possess magic, such as monsters have.
When the beast's mind takes their place, the body begins to decompose in a disgusting way. The skin changes color, and the organs inside begin to rot. It is unable to cope with the amount of magic that the beast has.
But how exactly does this happen?
If the creature is on the verge of death, it can release its soul. In this case, this will will be directed to the nearest living organism in the area, so the victims of possession are not only humans.
Sometimes the possessed person is also the one who has a disease that causes their organs to rot. The effect is the same.
There is another rule related to who someone else's will wants to possess. Most often, it is directed towards dead or mortally wounded beings.
If the creature's mind is aimed at you, the only solution is to disperse its particles.
It looks like black smoke, so if you cut it with a tool or anything, it will die, leaving the beast dead.
I heard that if they come across a body that can withstand their power, they can become really strong. That's why you have to eliminate such individuals, which is one of the main tasks of knights.
Back to the lynx.
He stood up from a sitting position and began to walk around me.
Maybe he wants to possess me? Why doesn't he attack?
As always, I clenched my blade to split it and kill him in case of a sudden attack.
"Well, maybe I should put it this way. Why do you hear me and understand what I'm saying?" He said.
I was surprised by this question. It doesn't make any sense. At least that's what I suppose.
Why did this lynx come here? I was sure he wanted to kill me.
Even if his goal wasn't my death, he certainly had his reasons.
The beast took a step closer to me and continued to corner me.
"On what basis are you able to talk, if so?" He added.
I find the fact that he can do it more disturbing.
His voice was low and deep. Each of his words was strongly blurred in my thoughts.
"I don't understand what you're lisping to yourself."
"What we look like doesn't mean who we really are. Inside, we can be completely different beings."
Hmm? So, just because he looks like a lynx doesn't mean he is one? That would make more sense as an explanation for why he's talking.
When he boasted about his wisdom, feathers grew from his fur and his body drastically shrunk to drone size.
After a moment, it wasn't a lynx standing in front of me, but a mysterious, black, blue-eyed eagle.
He flapped his wings and flew off into the depths of the forest.
"Damn... what just happened here."
The moment he flew away, I loosened my grip on my sword.
Why did he come here, if he said a few words and left? Maybe he had been following me for a long time.
It was already around 10:00 in the morning. I spent the rest of the night training in the forest.
I returned home.
I quietly and gracefully opened the door.
After entering the house, I caught sight of Sydeniya, who was preparing a meal.
How come she is always the first person I meet after returning from something?
She looked nervous.
It must have been because of my joke during the night.
When she woke up, she was no longer holding my hand, but someone else's.
I don't see Laen, so I assume he went to work.
I wondered for a long time where they got the money to live here and maintain the house.
Everyone is living off Laen's salary, who is a four-star knight.
It is the highest rank, right after the royal knights.
"Where were you last night?"
Sydeniya was cutting vegetables with a knife.
Eh, I don't even have a good excuse.
"Are you meeting someone secretly without us knowing?" When she said that, she smiled suspiciously, as if it had a hidden meaning.
Where did she get such an absurd idea?
"Eh..." I sighed in embarrassment and headed to the bedroom, ignoring Sydeniya.
I drew this picture for the new year :3. I always wanted to draw characters in regular clothes.
Honestly, I had higher expectations for this drawing and I don't like it that much. I didn't feel like shading it, so I did it mediocrity XD. But anyway, happy new year <33
Now we'll say goodbye to Lytia, Sydeniya, Ethen and Laen for a few chapters.
Sydeniya's backstory will be a bit later, though, because I was busy changing the script a bit so that everything would come out as best as possible.
(EDIT: There is a watermark with the old title on the art. i recently changed the title of the novel, but i don't feel like changing this art anymore ( I'm too lazy :3 ). Yes, and the old title was Lustre of Echo.)
The world can be divided into "two hemispheres of the same planet". The first is ordinary people living on planets.
And what about the second part?
Some beings in the universe do not have their own place, so they live with people on the same planet. There would be no problem with that, but a being with the power of God among mortals? Fortunately, no one in society knows about "these beings", so they live in peace, and these beings do not reveal their identity. Sometimes, however, this can involve serious problems.
Lytia, woke up in the "forest of the Beasts". She does not remember anything from her adventure so far, but she knows one thing, that she has lost her magic and must regain it. She only remembers the man with white hair who brought her to this place. Why did he decide to leave her completely alone in such a place?
-Chapters are about 900-1400 words.
-I also add pictures in chapters. (For example: characters, maps.)
-I don't add chapters regularly, sorry :((. I try to publish at least one a week! (on Saturday or Sunday).
-If I have free time from school I try to add more :>>
Hello there!
I hope you will like this story! English is not my native language so there may be some issues with correct spelling. If you find any, let me know.
Characters pictures will also appear during the reading. I hope it will be nice and comfortable to read!!
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