John gave his wife a final kiss before boarding the military aircraft.
“I don’t want you to go.” She whimpered.
“Honey, I have to...I’m sorry.”
Monica gazed up at him, her big green eyes full of tears.
“What if you get hurt...or get killed?”
“Babe, that’s not gonna happen...I promise you.” John said confidently.
As he boarded the plane with the rest his battalion John gave a final wave back at his family. Monica forced a smile and waved back, her 6 year old daughter Maria stood by her side, holding her hand. On the other side of her was Alex, her lean handsome 18 year old son.
In the face, Monica Hill looked like a 38 year old version of the actress Jodie Comer Her body was what many would call voluptuous. It’s not that she was fat, or even chubby for that matter. She just had all the right curves, in all the right places.
Even with his mind full of uncertainty John couldn’t help but admire her beauty from the door of the plane. Her thin cotton baby-blue mini-skirt showed off the flowing contours of her hips and left bare the golden brown glow of her long luscious legs. Her button up white satin stretch blouse hugged the enormity of her middle-aged breasts.
Her sexy little feet were displayed in a pair of dainty sandals with a 4 inch heel. A row of baby blue rhinestones lined the strap crossing her foot, right about her cute little toes with their painted toenails.
The site of her beautiful legs made John think about all those nights he had them wrapped around him. All the times that Monica had clutched him with her silky softness while he bucked in the smooth warm flesh of her saddle.
While they did this he would often look back in the mirror across from their bed and marvel at the way her strong legs were wrapped around his midsection, her tiny bare feet flexing and pointing towards the ceiling.
One of the other soldiers broke John from his trance.
“Sergeant Hill, we got-ta move, sir.”
As the aircrafts door closed Monica sniffled and wiped another tear away. She slid her arm around her son and leaned her head to one side, resting it on his shoulder.
It was nearly two month later that the roadside bomb rattled the humvee with John inside. The vehicle toppled into the desert sand, its occupants SCREAMING in pain.
John only remembered a few moments before blacking out. He hung upside down. The door had imploded from the blast and crushed his legs. He could feel the blood trickling from a gash in his forehead.
“Monica.” He muttered.
As his body went into shock he had a sudden vision of his wife, her big beaming green eyes staring into his...full of love.
He saw her silky tan legs through the mirror, clutching around him, her little feet flexing...bobbing in the air from the power of his thrusts.
Then...everything went black.
John’s eyes peered open and into the face of a military doctor.
“Can you hear me John? Can you hear my voice?” The man asked.
“Yes.” Came the reply.
“That’s good...that’s excellent.” The doctor smiled.
John gazed around the room.
“Where am I?”
“You’re back home. You’re at the Base Hospital. You’re battalion took quite a hit. You’ve been in a coma for about six days.”
“Where’s my wife?” John asked.
“She’s been here a lot by your side, but it’s the middle of the night. I’ll have the nurse call her right away,” the doctor said.
“Thank you.”
Thirty minutes later John heard the rushing CLICK of his wife’s heels moving up the hospital hallway. She stepped into the room, her beautiful face glowing with anticipation.
“Ohhh John.” She said in relief, rushing over and carefully embracing him on the bed.
“Hi baby.” He said, nearly in tears himself.
The early morning hours passed and after a series of scans and examinations of John the doctor joined John and his wife in John’s room.
“So doc, my legs...are the done for good?” John asked.
“I’m afraid so, John. The force of that blast not only did severe damage to your legs, but also your spinal column. The good news is you still have healthy blood flow, which prevented us from having to amputate. However, it’s gonna be a long road to recovery,” the doctor explained.
Monica looked absolutely devastated.
“Will he have any chance of overcoming the paralysis, with the right type of physical therapy maybe?”
“I’m afraid at this point it looks permanent. The damage was just too severe. I’m sorry.”
The doctor left the room and Monica seemed to stare into space as if shocked by the news. John squeezed her hand.
“I’m sorry baby.” He said.
“You lied.” She muttered.
She glared down at him, her eyes full of tears.
“You lied to me. You promised me nothing would happen to you over there. YOU FUCKING LIED!”
Monica stood up, pulled her hand away from John’s and began sobbing as she stormed out of the room.
“Monica...Monica, come back. Baby I’m...”
It was nearly 5am when Monica arrived back home. They chose a modest three bedroom ranch in a middle-class neighborhood, just across town from base.
The middle aged Mom moved up the hallway and peeked in on her daughter. She found Maria sleeping comfortably.
A few minutes later 18 year old Alex turned onto his side in bed. His eyes peeked open and he saw his mother’s curvy silhouette in his doorway. She was leaning with her hands against the doorframe and just seemed to be hovering there...watching him.
“Mom, everything ok with dad?”
Monica slowly sashayed across the room and sat on her son’s bedside.
“Thank you for staying here and watching your sister for me.”
“Of course.”
“Your dad’s awake, but I’m afraid his injuries are pretty extensive,” she said, then went on to explain the doctor’s findings.
“So when’s he coming home?” Alex asked.
“Not positive yet. The doctor said as early as a few days.”
“Wow, I can’t believe all of this has happened.” Alex muttered.
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