Hey guys, this is my first novel, so I just want to say that I hope you enjoy it. Now, a few pieces of information that might not really interest you, but I feel like I need to mention them to make myself feel better. Haha. So, this will be a novel from the Legendshive universe. It’s an idea from my two partners and me. The original plan was to release a card game, which will appear as the Hel battles in my stories. However, the card game will still (maybe as merch for my novel) most likely be available on Patreon at some point. When that will be, I honestly can’t say, haha. The regularity of my uploads for the stories is also still unclear. Anyway, I plan to tell the stories of several of our heroes from the Legendshive universe. Other novels outside of Legendshive are also in progress. These will all be novels because, to be honest, I can’t draw, haha. Thanks for reading!
In a world where every kind of creature exists, whether mechanical, dragons, or
bear-strenght rabbits, small heros make their stand in the battle arena called Hel,
fighting for freedom, revenge, or just for fun.
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