"Long ago, Econor, our homeland, sheltered various kinds of magical creatures. Ranging from dragons of all scales and feathers, magical equine-beings who wielded blooming flowers with the tap of their hoof, tricky shapeshifters, to fierce canine-like creatures who feast upon the sweet blood of their prey!
While we all had our differences, we shared our land peacefully and equally. We were civilized and cultured. What was ours was also theirs! However young one, our coexistence and peaceful way of living, all under Akayain's watchful eye was shattered in a mere second. For, there was a particular dragon whose heart was filled with greed and hatred! For, this dragon sought out something that was not theirs nor in their fate. One may say heartbreak corrupted his way of thinking . . . but we would not know. For that is a secret Akayain knows . . .
And … well he is gone …” ~ Unknown
Within the wonderous world of Econor dwells the sly and brute creatures of magic. The most noticeable of these sly creatures are the fierce dragons that rule the skies and rocky terrains!
For thousands of sun cycles, the powerful dragons lived united under the watchful eye of Akayain, the Dragon God of Life. However, one dreadful and gloomy day, Akayain mysteriously vanishes off the face of the world. With his powerful and calming presence gone, mischief and hatred spread like a vicious wildfire throughout the lands. By an ancient, but familiar foe. A bloodied god of the past.
Due to this newfound fiery plague of hatred. Certain dragons grow envious and fearful of the gifted- dragons who have been blessed by the gods themselves with legendary powers.
With this hatred of the many gifted dragons, division and war struck the wonderful land of Econor. These deadly tensions began the new era none have ever seen before- even when dragons were mere scavengers and uneducated.
This era was known as the dawn of the Plague of Terror. —
Twenty-three years after the beginning of the Plague of Terror a new generation of dragons were born. Roxanne Sierrafyin is one of the few who were part of the newest generation of dragons to be born to Econor’s dying world. While she was unfortunate to be part of the new generation; she was lucky to be sheltered underground from the death that is rampant above.
However, everything changed for Roxanne one bloodied night when she was stripped from her home and status by the mysterious death of her father. With vivid visions of the near-blooded future, Roxanne will have to discover the new- strange world of Econor. She will have to discover many hidden secrets of Econor’s past- and her clans, learn who her true allies are, and unlearn what she was previously taught of the history of the world and Gods.
Will she prevail by unraveling what Econor has undergone during these hard twenty years? Or will dragon kind as she knows it fall within the talons of a dangerous looming threat?
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