8 episodes
Episode 1
Nov 30, 20243 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1
Nov 30, 20241 view
Episode 3
Chapter 2.1
Nov 30, 202414 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2.2
Dec 04, 20240 views
Episode 5
Chapter 3.1
Dec 07, 20240 views
Episode 6
Chapter 3.2
Dec 07, 20240 views
Episode 7
Chapter 4
Dec 22, 20241 view
Episode 8
Chapter 5
Dec 29, 20240 views
The Royal Family of Athearian took immense pride in their close-knit relationship. However, all came to an end on the night of December 25th when the Catterdawn Palace burnt, killing hundreds of royals and nobles, including Tristian Athearith, the emperor, and leaving the twin princesses, Serapina and Annastasia Athearith, missing. During this conflict, Yeomora Athearith, the mother, assumed the role of Empress Regent until one of the twins was found; nevertheless, during her rule, the whole Empire of Athens suffered, either tortured or brainwashed.
Having enough of the suffering among the Athearians, a group of people decided to rebel and stand up against the empress, wanting to overthrow her for the sake of the Athearian people. They were called 'The Vacile'.
The Vacile vowed to overthrow the empress and find the missing twin princess, finally ending the ring of suffering and misery all throughout the Empire of Athearian.
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The Royal Family of Athearian took immense pride in their close-knit relationship. However, all came to an end on the night of December 25th when the Catterdawn Palace burnt, killing hundreds of royals and nobles, including Tristian Athearith, the emperor, and leaving the twin princesses, Serapina and Annastasia Athearith, missing. During this conflict, Yeomora Athearith, the mother, assumed the role of Empress Regent until one of the twins was found; nevertheless, during her rule, the whole Empire of Athens suffered, either tortured or brainwashed.
Having enough of the suffering among the Athearians, a group of people decided to rebel and stand up against the empress, wanting to overthrow her for the sake of the Athearian people. They were called 'The Vacile'.
The Vacile vowed to overthrow the empress and find the missing twin princess, finally ending the ring of suffering and misery all throughout the Empire of Athearian.
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