The video started with a disheveled young man with dark hair and tanned skin hastily adjusting the camera in front of him with a scowl on his face before speaking up. The bags under his eyes and tremor in his hands stood out immediately, especially for those who knew him as a mild-mannered teacher.
“This piece of junk better be recording…”
He looked at the camera with complete disgust and muttered something else inaudibly before straightening his posture and looking back into the camera. Most of the room was not visible, but his desk was covered in crumbled up papers, cans, and food wrappers.
“It’s Gaius, but you knew that already. I’m going to get right to the point. I’m done working with Eclipse. I’m making all of this public NOW.”
“Yes, the rumors about me having marriage problems are true. Before you start asking, this is not about her job, she’s just saying that because she’s taken up compulsive lying as a hobby. Her job duties don’t involve ignoring my messages for actual days, or spending all of her free time speaking with other men.”
He paused to take a swig out of a can, which could easily be recognized as a rather potent energy drink. His immediate area was littered with a troubling number of those same cans.
“And MAYBE it involved experimenting on my students, but that still doesn’t make it any less vile. You ever walk in to find someone you love performing an autopsy? What a dumb question, of course you haven’t.”
He started to slouch and almost nodded off before taking another, much longer drink. He sighed while he continued muttering under his breath venomously.
“You won’t be hearing from me for a while. I need to set up shop independently if I want to keep working as a mage, and I have a divorce to deal with on top of that. And that’s IF I get out of this alive.”
“That’s all. I’m out.”
This rant had been transcribed from a video that was uploaded on the early morning of May 15th, titled “My Wife is the Actual Devil. Goodbye.” It was removed within hours, but it is still available via the two unrelated accounts that re-uploaded the video, as well as commentary and analysis by three channels, none of whom had any connections to the supernatural community or knowledge about magic.
The ‘natural’ world dismissed this as mages being inherently unscrupulous. Most of them blamed the uploader for not only getting involved with the magical world in the first place, but also failing to leave before deciding to make all of his problems public.
Gaius Galileo has not been seen since. Eclipse claims that in addition to his outburst, he was involved in far more ‘treasonous misconduct’. While this statement was met with extreme skepticism, Eclipse faced no consequences for this series of events, and remains the most powerful magical institution in the state.
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