Hello! I'm sorry about this longer delay. I was just finishing up finals and another side project and then some health issues came up but I'm going to try to get back on track.
I'm working on the pages and another project right now. I have my hands a bit full, but i'll try my best! Also I may be streaming on twitch down the line while working on pages if that interests anyone!
I am here to say that i will not be able to update A Guardian's Death this week. I'm currently working on a 30 page comic for a contest that is due this week and i'm only halfway done;; i doubt i'll finish it, but i really need to try. I'm sorry and i hope this reason is understandable.
just kinda random fact, but the story i'm using for the contest is an earlier iteration of the story for A Guardian's Death so that's... something... i guess.
I will be putting Frame End on hiatus indefinitely for now. As much as I want to continue that story, I really feel like my current skill level can't portray it in the way I'd like. In the meantime, I'm going to be working on A Guardian's Death: https://tapastic.com/series/A-Guardians-Death
The storyline is far more linear and just generally easier to write, not to mention I'm going to be trying out just making a normal sized page per week, so this should be easier on me. Honestly, this year has been really hard and I'm sorry about this, I've thought over this for a few days and figured this was for the best, thank you. I realize Frame End didn't have many subscribers, but it still meant a lot to me, and I swear I will get back to it, be it within a month or even 5 years.