I’ve made a public playlist on spotify with inspiration music for Howlglint 🎧 I’ve been careful not to pick songs with too much spoilers though, so a LOT of songs are missing atm, I’ll probably edit and add more in the future!
It’s Howlglints 3 year anniversary today! It’s been 3 years since I had the dream that inspired the entire story for this comic, and I’m still pretty amazed with how big of a project it ended up becoming. I’ve drawn nearly 200 pages at this point in the years I’ve been working on it, and it’s planned to become around 500 pages so I still have a bit to go! Thank you for your support! 💖
Currently hosting a tiny Q&A with Jak and Miria on my instagram story, so head over to my account @nikijoart if you have any questions for those two! :D
I just realised I forgot to share this here, but recently I've been trying to animate more! Here's some scenes from Howlglint that I made... What do you think? https://youtu.be/pdmXlv3AyO8
R: Very nice!! I checked out some of your other videos- I'm glad I found the tutorial about screentones. Never really thought about the quick mask and what it could be good for.
Thank you Suchetka! I'm actually doing this for a school project so hopefully I will be able to make a little trailer or something! ^^ I kinda wish I could animate the whole thing though, but it would take such a long time hahah...