Hi guys! I am back. I am currently working on episode 13 of Azmoria and will, preferably, have it up in the next few weeks. I also have the next episode of Desserts For You Heart in the works and a short involving Numa and Ringtores, so stay tuned!
Health Update: I am currently on anxiety medicine and my doctor just upped to dosage to 40 mlg. I am feeling a lot better and sleeping a lot better too.
College Update: In the fall of this year I will be going back to college. don't worry, though! I will be working on my comics well at college.
Comic Update: I'm going to aim to upload a comic every other week. So hopefully I wont go dead again.
Thank you all for sticking around during these hard times! Much love being sent your way!
Health update: Sorry I've been so dead lately. I've been to the doctors a lot recently for various issues, heart and head related. All work is on pause until I can get this stuff is straightened out, that includes me looking into going back to College.
Health Update: My heart randomly beats faster at random times and my doc's told me to home back in a year, despite the fact that this has been going on since 8th grade and I am 22 atm. Anyhow, my doctor believes that it maybe do to anxiety and he thinks that I have a GAD. I am currently unsure if this is true or not and will inform you once I know more. Either way, I am still working on the next panel for Azmoria and have been looking into Colleges, since I have decided that I want to go back to college. I slow upload rate will be made slower as such.
Health Update: I am currently on a heart monitor. If that yields nothing, then I have to go to a neurologist. My heart doctors is thinking that it might be an anxiety issue.
Working on the next part of Azmoria. I also have an other part of Desserts For Your Heart coming up, but it came out a little bit darker than I thought it would. Ripipipipipip my ability to make things light and fluffy. I also am planing on making more Histories of Azmoria for my shorts and what not. I am also making height charts for all my characters. That also being said, I started using Sai and am loving it so far. My only complaint is that I still have to use Gimp to add text and that I still do not have a spell check on either of them. Rest in Pi, my ability to read and type like a normal human being.
Ringtorous and Numa in their first ever picture together. This was back when I was using MSPaint and a mouse. I love how Ringtorous looks in it. I knew since that day he would be an earless, noseless, vampiric monstrosity. He is also the king of the kingdom Numa lives in. But does she care? Nope. He is a noseless man to her. A noseless man whom she married.
And here is a realistic looking version of my God of Madness. Rexizile, you smexy mofo, you took me 12 hours with no sleep or rest to make. With over 100 layers in you, I am still not happy with you. hahahaha. Keep being crazy, sweetie, keep being crazy.