I currently hold the Cypres Family Distinguished Professorship in Legal Studies in Business at Hofstra University's Frank G. Zarb School of Business where I teach a range of undergraduate and graduate legal studies courses. I hold a Juris Doctor degree and am a member of the New York State Bar since 1984. My past academic postings have included positions as academic dean, division dean, program director and tenured full professor in private and public academic institutions prior to my current academic posting.
Most of my published work through traditional publishers is in the area of non-fiction, including eight law-related textbooks on business law, the legal environment of business, and immigration law among others. My law-related publications also appear on academic peer-reviewed journals and law reviews on a range or law-related issues and ethics.
Although I am best known for my writing on the law, poetry and fiction have been an important part of my life from my early teens through today, and I have published several short fiction collections, two books of poetry and more recently my first novel as an indie author. Because I do not pay for advertisements or book reviews--a common practice for self-published authors--these latter works, unlike my non-fiction, are not widely read. I often quip that my non-fiction more than paid for my first house and still provides a reasonable royalty income, whereas my fiction pays for perhaps a couple of cases of my favorite Rioja wine every year. Read more