Hi ARiA- My story Singlets and Secrets (thanks for subscribing to it!) is now IN PRINT with a FABULOUS NEW COVER! Look at THAT cover below! I’m in love!!!! Anyway, I am now swimming (maybe drowning?) in a HUGE pool. I hope my original Tapas audience will still support!
Would you PLEASE leave a review of Singlets and Secrets on my Amazon page and Goodreads page when you can (links below)? Even one sentence would be AMAZING! Like an Uber driver, I need five-star reviews to make an impact in the print publishing world. I am swimming with big fish, and I hope my Tapas readers will help me stand out from the crowd! :)
I want you to know how personal and meaningful this really is. I even made a video for Tapas readers. Let me tell me tell you about this over video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpUfGUAQnQg
And OF COURSE, get that beautiful physical copy for yourself when you can. Look me up on your socials and follow me, if you want too, because I will be giving away prizes and sharing news about what’s next with the series. The book is published under my real name, Joe Chianakas. Socials are @joechianakas in most cases.
It took over SIX years to get here. I don’t send this message lightly. Whenever you see it, I hope you’ll support. Thank you so much.
Hello, nice to meet you. Do you want to "Add to add"? Do I add your comic / novel to my library and do you add mine? 😃
Here is the link to my comics: https://tapas.io/episode/1688303
If you like it, tell me what you like. If you didn't like it, tell me too.
If I bothered you, it was a terrible colleague. Just ignore everything. Thank you very much for your attention! s2
Thank you for supporting us and our oneshot CC's Circus ❤
It means a lot for us (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Don't forget to follow us in social media n.n, there we also share our art :D
Big hugs!