Henlo henlo, you're welcome for KFC Kyle. Its a non fiction story but i have other fiction webcomics slightly similar to it WHICH YOU'D MAYBE LIKE??? In case you're interested, I'll list them in terms of coherency (least2most) for your convenience:
PestGenoCide : after being partially terrorised by motherfucking moths during the start of summer, i think i went a little insane. This is a story about the feeling of wanting to kill turning into emotions of gratitude&love& thankgod its not summer anymore. (its not about any of those things. its about killing insects & wearing a tophat)
[LINKS] https://tapas.io/series/Pest-geno-cide https://monsternews.000webhostapp.com/Pest%20Geno%20Cide/Pest%20Geno%20Cide.html
(my website is bettr)
MONSTER energy drink s : Most coherent despite being drawn while intoxicated with energy drinks. I basically juts bash these cans together to try and makesomething akin to ctrl alt delete. https://tapas.io/series/MONSTER-energy-drink-s
(my website is worsee cause its ongoing)