The conscience. It is something people have that helps them know right from wrong. It exists within a person and is not a tangible thing, but is just as real as any object a person can lay their eyes on. Unfortunately, many, truthfully, all people have violated their conscience one time or another. All people have done wrong in their life with the knowledge that what they are doing is wrong.
There was complete silence.
“Nait,” a strong voice echoed.
A young man in his twenties slowly opened his eyes. He was slouched in a white chair.
“Nait,” the voice echoed, once more.
Nait sat up straight and looked around. He was in a court room. Nearly everything was white. He looked behind him and saw two tall white doors. To his left, was what seemed to be a man standing at the opening of an exit to the room. The man was clothed in robed like white garments and had his back facing Nait. To Nait’s right was an empty jury section. And in front of him was a grand seat where a judge would be seated. It was decorated with many jewels. Near it, was a witness stand and what seemed to be a flat screen on a stand.
In the judgement seat shined a pure-bright light. Even with the bright light, Nait realized his eyes didn’t have much problems adjusting like he supposed they should. He began to look at the light and saw that it was somewhat shrouded in a faint mist and he could not make out the form of the source for the brilliant light.
Nait’s eyes shot open wide and he began to faintly pant. “What’s going on?” he asked. “Where am I?”
“You were given life,” The Light said. “It is a precious free gift. You did nothing to earn or deserve it. We will be going over how you lived your life, whether good or bad. You will be judged. You will be judged according to how you lived.”
Nait gritted his teeth. Awe inspired fear gripped him. “And who are you?” he asked, sure of the answer.
“I am The Designer of the sun and its purpose,” The Light answered. “I am The One who put it in its place so that it may give light to all on the earth. I am The Author of time, space, and matter, thus, I dwell outside of them. I am The Being that put water on the earth. All life comes from Me. Listen, every good thing comes from Me.”
“This is crazy!” Nait shouted. “How was I supposed to know you are real?!”
There was a silence in the room.
“There are many avenues that draw people to truth,” The Light said. “I will bring to your attention three witnesses I place in life.”
The flat screen turned on. It was crisp and clear. On it appeared, trees of many kinds, followed by a forest of vibrant plant life. Fish and other sea creatures were displayed. Shortly after, insects, lizards, frogs, and such were shown. Next, Nait saw horses in a field, some with offspring. Elephants, giraffes, lions, bears, primates, kangaroos, cats, and dogs were seen clearly on the screen.
Nait remained silent. The water cycle was shown, along with the four seasons. The display ended with the viewing of many human activities such as playing and working. The final scene was of a chocolate skin, curly hair baby, giggling with a toothless smile and bright eyes.
“Those are some of the first things you observed,” The Light said. “You observe life. It is a part of creation, the first witness I bring to your attention. Do you think that was all an accident or a coincidence?”
“I don’t know,” Nait mumbled.
“I will bring to your attention the second witness,” The Light said. “It has been inside you all the days of your life.”
“What is it?” Nait asked.
“It is the conscience,” The Light replied. “It is a part of man’s ability to discern right from wrong. Where do you think it came from?”
Nait uttered nothing.
“Right and wrong, good and evil, are serious matters,” The Light said. “Like life on earth, the conscience is not something that sprung from nothing. It is something I placed within people.”
“I lived a good life,” Nait said. “I’m not bad. I’m especially not evil.”
“What makes you so sure?” The Light asked.
“I did the right thing by others,” Nait insisted.
“Is that so?” The Light responded.
The screen came back on, its images faded into clarity.
A clear video of Nait showed him copying another classmates paper in high school. The teacher later brought to his attention that his answered gave suspicion of cheating. He lied and said he didn’t cheat.
The screen paused right as Nait had to say something. “That was in the past. Everybody has lied.”
The screen continued to play and showed that Nait cheated here and there every so often throughout his years of education. Then, it paused.
“You were dishonest through your cheating,” The Light said. “That is ill character. Your lying revealed your deceit and willingness to deceive. You are a liar.”
“Just because I lied, doesn’t make me a bad person or a liar,” Nait said.
“Some time ago, you heard news of a man who murdered a mother of two children,” The Light said. “What was he? What did the people call him? Do you remember what you called him?”
“I called him a murderer,” Nait admitted. “He was a murderer.”
“He only killed one person,” The Light said. “And when he was caught, his crime, his wrong, was in the past. Once an act is committed, it is in the past. That doesn’t excuse anyone from the consequences of their actions. A person only has to murder one time to be a murderer. You only have to lie once to be a liar. But you have told many, many lies throughout your life.”
The screen began playing. It showed Nait. He was asked why he didn’t visit a friend in the hospital. He said he didn’t have transportation. Suddenly, it showed Nait getting out of the passenger seat of another friend’s car. He and the friends who rode in that car proceeded to a party where they partied all night.
“I didn’t think my presence at the hospital was desired that much,” Nait explained. “I didn’t want anybody to think I didn’t care.”
“That doesn’t make the lying right,” The Light responded.
Many other times of Nait lying to friends, acquaintances, and enemies were shown.
“Do you have more excuses?” The Light questioned.
Nait remained silent.
“Do you still hold on to the claim that you are good?” The Light asked.
“Why do you keep asking me questions you know the answer to?” Nait asked.
“It is not for my sake,” The Light answered. “It is for your sake that I ask. Thought provoking questions can shed light to a dark place. It can cause you to realize and or understand the information being given to you.”
“Yes!” Nait exclaimed. “I know I’m a good person. I know in my heart that I am good.”
“You say that so proudly, but you are a thief,” The Light said. “You have wrongfully taken what does not belong to you, regardless of who its value or who it’s from.”
The screen played. It showed Nait downloading music illegally. It showed this happen five different times within different seasons of his life. Then, it was shown how he had taken small things from store and snuck into movies theaters. Sometimes he would pay for a ticket and then sneak into other rooms to watch other movies after his movie ended.
“You are looking at all the bad,” Nait said. “I’ve done plenty of good in my life.”
“Tell me, Nait,” The Light began, “what does the good have to do with the crimes you committed?”
“What?” Nait responded. “Crimes against who?”
“Crimes against Me,” The Light said.
Nait slowly rested back in his seat.
“You were given life, but you didn’t honor The One that gave you life,” The Light said. You sinned. What good is a liar that is also a thief?”
“But my good outweighs my bad,” Nait said with uncertainty.
“Those words don’t belong in the air,” The Light responded. “The man you called a murderer did many good things before his crime. He also did good deeds after his crimes, before they caught him. He fed the poor. He gave to the needy. He worked at soup kitchens and helped lead fundraisers for good causes. He once gave back a dropped wallet to its owner, even after finding out it had fifty dollars in it. He quickly tracked down the owner. Should he have been let go?”
“No,” Nait softly answered.
“You are right,” The Light said. “That would not be just. That would not be good. In fact, that would be wrong, corrupt.”
Nait crossed his arms.
“Are you good?” The Light asked.
As Nait began to respond, the screen started playing. It showed Nait talking with some friends and making dirty jokes. The volume would mute itself for what seemed to be every other word. Nait remembered all that he had said. He spoke foul words with his friends and found humor in it. They ate, laughed, and cursed.
The Light began to speak and something new appeared on the screen. It was a black screen and white letters with numbers that read, “Matthew 15:11”
The Light said, “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
Nait grunted.
“What you say reveals what is inside,” The Light added.
The screen began showing many times when Nait had taken God’s name in vain, using it as a curse word, not giving it the respect or honor that is due.
Nait clenched his fists.
Video of Nait cursing at his father and saying that he hates his mother played. Other times were shown of him talking badly about his parents when they were not present or leaving the house after being told not to.
“What good is a lying thief that behaves in this manner?” The Light asked.
Nait didn’t reply.
“If only you were just that,” The Light said. “But you are also a fornicator.”
“A what?!” Nait bladdered.
“You have engaged in intimate relations with a person you were not married to,” The Light responded. “What is the name of the first young woman you did this with?”
Nait glanced to the side. “Sarah,” he answered.
“You met her in high school,” The Light said. “You haven’t seen her since.”
“Yup,” Nait said.
“You were intimate with another young woman, Nait,” The Light said. “It was shortly after you graduated high school. “What was her name?”
“I don’t remember,” Nait admitted.
“She often wore her hair in a ponytail with a blue ribbon,” The Light said. “She had hazel eyes that you really liked.”
“The name is not coming to me,” Nait said.
“You gave yourself to her,” The Light said. “You two engaged in an emotional, psychological, physical, and intimate experience. Surely this is not something meant to be given away so freely. Did you care about her?”
“Yes,” Nait answered.
“Did you care about her when you were with the third young woman?” The Light asked.
“Not as much,” Nait replied. “But that’s to be expected. And it’s the honest and sincere truth. I was in another relationship with the third girl. Most people aren’t thinking about their ex when they get with someone else.”
“Did you love the second woman?” The Light asked.
“Yes,” Nait comfidently said.
“Who told you what love is?” The Light quickly responded.
Nait remained silent.
“Did you love her?” The Light repeated.
“I don’t know,” Nait frowned. “I was attracted to her and cared about her.”
“Is that what love is?” The Light responded. “Is it simply a stronger version of what you described?”
Nait did not answer.
“What is the name of the third woman you engaged with in this manner of intimacy?” The Light asked. “Was she rightfully yours? Do you think her husband is pleased with what was done in the dark?”
“He shouldn’t care,” Nait retorted. “It happened. I’m out of her life now.”
“Who told you he shouldn’t care?” The Light questioned.
“I don’t know,” Nait said. “That’s just how I feel about it.”
“It was not in my plan that you should engage in intimacy with her,” The Light said. “She was only a few seasons from meeting the man I planned to join her with. That intimacy was meant to only be exclusive to him as her husband. Only he should know her form, her sound, and her gaze. Fortunately, you did not affect her view on intimacy like you did the fourth woman. Because of you, she struggles with engaging in intimacy with her husband, something they must work through.”
“I’m sorry for her,” Nait reluctantly said.
“The one you called a murderer said he was sorry, too,” The Light said, “more than you have ever said in your life.”
The screen began to show Nait through his life. While sitting on a park bench, he could be seen looking at woman as they passed by. He would observe their rears and sometimes fantasize about the woman he saw. The video then showed Nait in a festival. He looked at college girls and older women alike. It did not matter if they were strolling their child around or walking with their significant other.
Just when Nait felt the display would end, a video of him alone at home viewed him sitting on a couch looking at his laptop.
“What are you doing in this display?” The Light asked.
Nait said nothing.
“Is it good?” The Light added.
The white room was without sound. The screen appeared to be muted. Nait knew full well what was being shown of him. He could see the faint smile on his face, the enjoyment and ceaseless curiosity. A number of different days were shown of him exposing his eye to inappropriate images and videos.
“Your mind is filled with all kinds of perverse things and desires,” The Light said. “Your mind is rotten, corrupt. You have thoughts that would not be acceptable to those you know. And much of your corruption has been brought on by what you’ve allowed yourself to see.”
The screen began to display “Matthew 6:22-23.”
The Light said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness.”
Nait glanced at the words on the screen.
“Not married to any of them, you have engaged in these acts with four women and even yourself,” The Light said. “Your mind is perverse daily. You are a fornicator. Is it good to be a fornicator?”
There was a pause of silence.
“But I loved them!” Nait blurted. “Some were committed relationships!”
“Who told you that love, commitment, or perceived commitment was the only requirement that made intimacy in that manner permissible?”
“My environment,” Nait answered. “The people in my society.”
“What authority do these people have to claim that?” The Light responded. “No matter what a society says, lying is wrong. Theft is wrong. The foul things that you have said are wrong. The perverse things you have thought are wrong.”
The screen began to play. The Light said, “All people are made in My image. They all bear the image of God. Do you know what you are doing when you are rude, indifferent, or insult one who bears Gods image?”
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