It's like ten minutes after the last entry. My math teacher is absent so I got farmed out with no work. I got farmed out to my science class (my 1st period) so I get to relive a class I had like an hour ago :)
I'm sitting at a table with one of my "friends". I have three main ones. Blue, Pink, and Black. I am sitting near Black right now. I think she doesn't like me anymore. Oh well. It's not surprising. I get mixed feelings from her. Also not surprising.
Lunch is soon. I would say that's good but, when I'm really mad and upset (like right now) my eating problems get worse.
I've never been diagnosed, but I show mild symptoms of bulimia nervosa. so, I hate eating. Because when I start, I can't stop. And then I feel bad. So I either throw up (very rare option, I don't do it anymore) or starve and count and worry about everything I consume.
This page is ending and I haven't even continued the Blue Issue in this entry. Sorry. But I don't think this Journal is only about Blue. I men, it's called, "Red's Journal". I think it's just to talk about my problems and stress in life. I'm glad I realized this. I'll try to sleep until lunch now.
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