I'm in history right now. I have to keep averting my eyes from Blue.
I feel very hateful.
You know what? Blue is so full of shit.
She leads you on telling you that you guys are friends, but when she is with Yellow it's like she forgets your existence. It's like she doesn't care.
I'm so angry right now. Just seeing her makes me want to scream. I think I'm gonna start crying.
I wish that she would just choose already. Does she want to be my friend or not?
I know it sounds so harsh and like a-lot to ask, but think of how I feel. Any person I think wants to be my friend leaves me.
"You deserve better" she said. "I don't hate you" she said.
So why do you act like that? What do you want from me? Do you enjoy making me feel like pulling my hair out and stabbing someone?
But. It's not really her fault that I'm such a mess.
I'm sorry. I'm just really mad right now. It doesn't help that I'm near Blue and a bunch of annoying kids.
School ends soon. I should probably try to cool down before I get to Tae Kwon Do and everyone asks if I'm okay.
Because I'm not. And I don't know how to fix it.
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