I’m so tired. Even walking right now is taking a toll on me, especially through the empty hallways. The school always creeps me out when it’s empty, but I just had to sign up for independent study. That means staying later, and working harder.
The bitter air rushes to meet me as I push the doors open and step out into the parking lot, which is of course also empty. Thank god I only need to make it to my car. School sucked, as expected. But I got through it, and now it’s over with for the weekend. I wish I could just graduate from this hell already.
At least I only have the rest of this year left.
Fumbling for my keys, I end up dumping the contents of my bag onto the ground. The wet ground.
Things like this always happen to me. It’s like I’ve got a huge target painted on my back, drawing bad luck my way. Just seeing who can get the best shot at me. Turns out, misfortune has pretty good aim.
My phone starts to ring just as I back out of my parking spot, and seeing that it’s mom, I make a wild grab for it. Naturally, I drop it between my feet. Then slam on the brakes.
Of course, the phone has wedged itself beneath the brake pedal. And on slamming it down, I hear the screen crack.
And then I hear a thud behind the car.
“Shit!” I swing the door open, and make impact with something. I look out the window just in time to see something – a person – crumple to the ground.
Oh, I am so absolutely fucked if that’s who I think it is. I can’t get out this side now, so I slide across and open the passenger door, and run around the car to see-
“Oh, fuck.” I poke the lifeless body with my foot. “Hey, buddy… Get up.” I poke him again, but he doesn’t move. “Please, please get up.” I crouch down and check for a pulse. It’s weak, but it’s there.
“Alright. Let’s get you in the back, and I’ll take you to the hospital.” I loose a breath, and look around. I can’t call an ambulance. I just hit the freaking richest kid in town – his parents would sue us for all that we’ve got. Luckily, there’s no cameras in the parking lot, because this is totally going to look like a kidnapping. I open the back door, and making sure there’s nobody around once more, I hook my hands beneath his arms and hoist him up.
God, he’s heavy.
I toss him in the backseat, and put both seatbelts over him. That should probably hold his fatass.
I retrieve my phone, and plop into the driver’s seat. There’s a crack all the way through the middle of the screen – I’m surprised the whole thing isn’t falling apart in my hands. I swipe the screen, and smear blood over it as the glass cuts me.
Yeah, I’m going to need a new phone.
I glance through the mirror at the backseat. The guy is still breathing, but I should definitely get him to the hospital. I did technically hit him with my car twice. I assume it’s only courteous to either call an ambulance, or take his dumbass in. And the latter is my only choice, since his family could buy mine. I don’t need his parents finding out who did this to their son.
“Addy!” A girl comes running up, and I lock the doors to my car, but roll the window down.
“What do you need?” I stare her down, silently daring her to try to get into my car.
“What are you doing with Addy?” She does a once-over of me, and gasps. “Are you kidnapping him?”
“Wait, that’s not-“
“You totally are! I’m calling the cops!” She whips out her phone and starts dialing.
“Wait a goddamn minute, and listen up.” I step out of the car, and get in her face. “Do you want him to die?”
“What?! How could he-“
“I have reason to believe that he has alcohol poisoning. I don’t want him to have to waste his precious money on an ambulance, so I’m taking him myself. But-“ I sigh, “you kind of really need to let me take him.”
“Right now!”
“Okay, okay.” She looks me over again. “You aren’t pretty enough to catch his attention anyways, so just hurry up.” Sticking her grubby finger in my face, she adds, “But don’t let him get hurt.” I jump back in the car, and start pulling out of the parking lot.
“That’s kind of the point.” I mutter as I roll my eyes.
I know I was complaining about being alone, but this is even worse.
What absolute idiots.
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