Logan stopped 2 towns over and got a room at the inn, hoping he was far enough that if anyone came looking they wouldn’t find him. He could barely sleep but eventually the exhaustion and stress overtook him. As he slept he dreamt of a short blonde boy with olive skin and fine clothes. The boy was in front of a lovely mansion with extravagant gardens and a white gazebo covered in rose vines. The house itself was a light blue with a white roof. The boy himself seemed sad, almost like he knew something inescapable was coming.
Logan woke with a start. Covered in sweat he bolted upright gasping for air. He went down to the stables to check on Shadow, realizing that it wasn’t even dawn. He brushed Shadow until he calmed down. Miss Margaret told him he would get visions but he didn’t think even one as tame as that would leave him breathless and confused.
“Shadow this is going to be one tough ride. I hope every night won’t be like this, otherwise I might die of exhaustion.” Logan muttered still half asleep. Once the sun rose Logan gathered his things and started heading west, it would take two days ride to reach the border and the country of the archer. Ruasia (the country to the west) was just north of the empire and known for it’s beautiful plant life and exotic animals.
Logan passed through 2 towns before stopping in a small village, he didn’t bother learning the name of he just focused on finding a safe place to stay. Due to the villages size there wasn’t any inns so he ended up staying at the mayor’s house, luckily he didn’t have to worry about anyone knowing who he is or the fact he is an orphan. In this country orphans are looked down on as unwanted and a blemish on society resulting in very few orphanages.
The mayor’s daughter cooked a wonderful meal and made a bed for him in the guest room. He took the opportunity to ask about Ruasia since the village is only a days ride away if you keep a steady pace. Logan had been there once as a child when the orphanage was just starting up and they needed supplies in bulk. She told him about strange buildings with curved roofs and flying lizards with no wings and long beards. The place sounded like a fantastical fairy tale with all sorts of magic and mystical creatures. Although he still dreaded the journey ahead he couldn’t hide his excitement to see this strange new land.
That night he had another dream of the strange boy but this time he spoke.
“My birthday is in a few days you might want to hurry Princey, I’m near a large river. I’d hate to see what might happen if you don’t arrive before ‘they’ do.” He said almost comically his brown eyes dancing with the kind of amusement used to hide fear or pain.
“What the hell does that mean? Why can’t you just tell me where you are instead of being so cryptic? I mean really if you’re in danger why beat around the bush?” Logan almost whined
“Well we might as well make it interesting. By the way I’m only a way for you to identify the next child I don’t know for sure where ‘I’ actually am just a general direction. I’m just your sixth sense leading you in the right direction.” He chuckled. Logan starred in annoyance.
He woke up with start once again, except this time he was also very annoyed. What kind of psychic aid was that, how the hell was he supposed to find a village near a big river with some kind of fancy house in who knows how many days. Logan got up and tried to calm himself before going to breakfast. The mayor’s daughter told him more about Ruasia while they ate this time mentioning their customs and nobility.
“By any chance do one of the nobility live in a village near a river?” Logan inquired.
“Yes there is. I think it is called Shuibian Meaning waterside. Why do you ask?” She said enthusiastically. With her willingness to answer his questions he didn’t think she would ask for his motives.
“I’m heading over to find a childhood friend and all I remember about where he lived was that it was by a river and nobility lived there.” Logan smoothly replied slightly uncomfortable lying
“What is their name, if you don't mind me asking?” She asked almost nervously.
“Marcus, he used to live here before his parents had to move for work.” Logan replied, it was sadly obvious she had developed a crush on him. He doubted he would ever see her again so he decided he would play along until he left.
They continued talking for a little while before Logan had to leave. He grabbed his things and said goodbye before heading out for Ruasia. According to the mayor’s daughter it would take a 2 more days before he would get to Shuibian and he had to pass through 2 more towns along the way. He rode until 2 hours passed noon then stopped to give Shadow some rest, he rode again until midnight. Logan stopped by a river just outside the first village, for the rest of the night. That night he dreamt of the boy again.
“Looks like you’re getting closer princeling but so are they you’re gonna want to ride all day. You are just outside of the first village before ‘mine’.” He said looking tired.
“By the ancients when I find that boy, I’m gonna whack him upside the head for being so damn cryptic. Gods damn one nights sleep that’s all I ask.” Logan grumbled into his arm before getting up and packing up his camp. “Just one more days ride and I will get there and then we can move on to a hopefully less sarcastic person to find.” Logan rode all day passing through both villages stopping to give Shadow a a cleaning.
By dusk he came to the boys village. It was truly beautiful town the buildings were jade green and golden yellow with curved roofs. Logan could tell Shuibian was a very wealthy village. People passed him wearing ornate clothes of bright colours covered in sparkling embroidery. Logan found an inn for a reasonable price and bought two nights. Logan sat in the stables with Shadow and ate some more bread and and soup for supper before going to the public bath. When he got to his room he fell asleep instantly. He wasn’t sure if it was the lack of sleep or the fancy bedding and comfy mattress but he sure didn’t mind.
“Oh Logan, you just about found ‘me’ I can’t wait to meet you. I have a feeling we are going to get along ‘swimmingly’ see you soon Logan.” the boy said wryly. Logan woke slowly it was the first decent night's sleep he has had in a while so he almost didn’t want to get up. When he did manage to get out of bed he realized it was barely dawn. So he headed to the river and did his laundry. He hung his clothes off the balcony of his room and went to explore the village checking out merchant stalls. Logan bought a new set of leather gloves so he wouldn’t feel guilty about not buying anything. After browsing for a bit Logan decided to walk Shadow along the river so she wouldn’t have to spend all day in the stables.
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