You’re perfect
You are perfect because you are imperfect
You love me and you work on things with me and you are so special and good to me
You’re an imperfect person who is my perfection
Life will never be perfect and we, as people, as humans, will never be perfect
Life will always continue to disappoint and fail us and will rarely ever be ideal
But you, perfectly imperfect you
You are perfect
You are imperfect
And in that you are, in an abstract way, but a very clear way to me… perfect
You are who I love
You make me feel love for you and loved by you
That is perfect just as it is
Even as I sit here in my kitchen
I exist
And I’m imperfect
But my imperfect heart beats and flows all the strong and powerful and crazy and imperfect love for you
It’s flows through me while I exist and love you
Our imperfect, perfect, amazing, crazy existing love
It’s you
I love you
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