Hi sorry for the weight I meant to have this out much sooner anyways hears the transcript of my interview with 0P3RaGh05T. I hope you enjoy and remember we are following this format W, o, O, w, then repeat. The Capitals are questions and lowercase replies and of course W standing for me Wrecker and O for 0P3RaGh05T.
W: 0P3RaGh05T first off how did you get started writing
o: Honestly, my late older brother got me started. He was constantly listening to my insane epics. He had some favorites and requested I type them so he could read them whenever he chose.
Following that, I began getting requests to type short one-shots in grade school creative writing.
I never expected to continue afterwards, but I kept going until I burnt out
O: To wrecker: I'm curious to understand your inspirations. Is it something you feel comfortable sharing?
w: i get it from a lot of places but if i had to list a few web comics video games anime audio books even some my old ideas but mostly music something just sparks an idea and it just seams to snowball and mix blind and Chang tell i put down on a page
W: next up whats you your favorite genre to read and or wright about
o: That's a hard question to answer. I've never had a favorite genre. I'll read pretty much anything that really catches my interest.
My favorite to write is...fanfiction. No, I'm serious. In my entire life, I've never written a published novel. I say that despite having 50 copies of an original book I wrote which never became popular enough for mass distribution.
O: My second question: Is there a particular routine you follow in your writing process? I use a sound machine that mimics natural noises such as the Amazonian Rainforest.
w: um i guess i have 2 types of routines i use first up is how i write i wright the first 2 pages and once i start on the third i then go back to the first and edit i then wright a page fore each story then go back and edit a page each then repeat the second is for what i do when i wright i usually flood my room with background noise music or radio set on low and a audio books when most cant hear them self think i find i can think the clearest
W: you sort of took my next question with your last question how about i borrow one of your where do you get your inspirations form if that's not to personal
o: My inspirations are rather eclectic. Movies, novels, television series, video games, music, and other fanfictions.
In reference to my writing routine, I play classical music or listen to the Amazon Rainforest setting on my sound machine. If neither help, my wife sings me lullabies. True, it's strange and yet so relaxing writing becomes a bit easier. On the occasion she's not home, I've got a studio digital album my wife had her brother create for me.
O: Third question: Is there a method you used to create your characters? If so, can you give us a summary?
I use RPG character creation sheets. It's efficient, and I use them in ither fields as well. That's the reason behind this question
w: I don't know if you can really call it a method but basically what I do is when I have a scene where I need a new character I think about what type of seen it is then I think of what type of person I want in that scene I then build a personality from there if the character is going to be a repeat of character however IE someone like Z for instance I tried to build a more complex personality sometimes getting ideas from other characters from other stories or taking inspiration for other characters for example Lily was actually inspired by Miss Kobayashi from the anime Miss kobayashi's Dragon maid and then i think of how they would fit in the story later on I also like to hide little hidden meanings in my characters if I can I then record the basic facts about the character on a sticky note on my computer and they seem to evolve as The Story Goes On for example Fred And Thomas originally was one character call Thomas but I couldn't get there scens to work right so I split them into two but I still consider them one character and I even put them in the character tag as one character
W: What's do you find is the hardest part of starting a new story and or Chapter
o: That opening sentence. It carries the most weight and sets up more than half the chapter's atmosphere. If that one sentence isn't right, the chapter isn't either.
O: In the time you're not writing, are you still thinking things through? This is meant as a more basic question. Most writers continue thinking their story out even while doing other things.
w: Yes I always seem to have some idea roiling around in my head there not always for my story I'm writing something I'm just always cooking up for some reason another and if i like the idea of it ill see if I can find a way to put in my stories
W: do you use a sounding boars or have anyone you bounce ideas off or did or something like that
o: Indeed. I use my wife, my kids, and the guys at the local community college.
I have some other buddies I chat with online that help by telling me their occupational experiences.
However, my most used one is the monument in my town's center. It's a bronze statue of a bard. I often pretend to converse with it and have realizations as a result.
O: For my next question, are there aspects you were concerned about when originally devising the story and/or a specific character? If so, how did you overcome it?
w:Yeah well with first works I was concerned that as it was set in zootopia but didn't revolve around Nick and Judy people wouldn't be too responsive to it and as for characters excluding a few which I can't talk about just yet because I haven't revealed them the reason why the gave me concern Sam and Lily I do not want to make Lily to overpowered and make it seem unbelievable but I wanted to make clear she wants normal but not go to far and make her seam like she has super power and as for Sam I was a little concerned because as shown in her chapter she is depressed and I know this is a problem for a lot of people and I do not wish to offend or misinterpret what they're dealing with
W: How long have you been writing for if that's not too personal
o: Total: 22 years. I wrote on and off prior to my hiatus following fiancee three's death. I wasn't writing anything between then and the start of TZD.
I had written one-offs back then, and a novella that was never mass produced. I still have 45 of the 50 copies printed.
O: Next question: In developing each character, had you always intended them as they turned out? Or, were they changed in the process?
w: yes and no plot wise most of the time they hit every point i wanted but they commonly ended up longer then i meant them to be thats why iv started braking them up a bit
W: what other story's have you written i besides those listed currently on your 0P3RaGh05T account again as long as it isn't to personal
o:I had a novella that never got mass printed. I have 45 of the 50 copies in storage. It wasn't anything grand. It was a Sherlock Holmes tale titled 'The Nightmare Syndicate".
It was essentially Holmes vs a global cosmopolitan criminal syndicate.
Moriarty was a tiny player in comparison to Ser Iozef Rostova.
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