Even death needs its takers otherwise, souls would never find their way 'home'.
"Has it ever crossed your mind as to how reapers come to be?" Liam asked, letting his creepiness subside.
"I suppose they are simply the evilest of spirits?" I replied.
"You're not far from the truth," he said. "Reapers were once humans. Firstly, the humans had to be tough, cold and extremely evil. Evil to the core. Zero trace of goodness whatsoever. These were the kinds of humans who were born to be reapers and we have Jason as an example hence, his superiority."
"Does Jason have a boss?" I asked, interrupting him. Everyone has a boss.
"He does, but his identity is beyond your level or mine," Liam replied, adjusting his collar. "Some humans become reapers after they die horrible deaths. This depends on the how, why and where. Gus is your perfect example and this story is for another day so save the questions."
I smiled and bit my lower lip. He'd caught me right at the moment when I was about to ask a burning question. Let's hope I don't forget about it.
"Lastly, some humans simply have the knack for being a reaper, like yours truly," Liam said, smirking. He paused for dramatic effect and I figured it was my cue to ask him questions.
"Have you always been so smug?"
"It comes in the job description," He replied, chuckling.
"What made you choose to become a reaper?" I asked, leaning in and holding his stare. "Were you bullied as a kid, too fat to run away from the jocks, skinny nerd with a ton of acne, the awkward trombone player...the list could go on."
"These things are far from what I went through," he said, glancing away.
"I'm listening."
"You have no idea what it's like to live in the zones," Liam started.
"And I don't intend to find out," I replied.
"That's not your decision to make."
"We'll see about that," I shot back. "You were saying?"
"The zones are based on your deeds on earth. How you lived your life in relation to others and whatnot. I was in the airforce for fifteen years before I met my untimely death and ended up stuck in the pit."
"Stop pulling my leg! You were serving your nation and ended up in the pit?" I asked, astounded.
"Who said I was serving my nation?" He deadpanned.
"I knew I'd never last a year in the pit. So, I strategized day and night to find my way to the top. Based on my qualities, being a reaper was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I worked my ass off and made it here, six years and counting. That's about it."
"What did you do in the airforce?" I asked, crazy thoughts running through my mind.
"I worked for a private security company that protected certain people and kept everyone in peace," he replied.
"In short you were kind of an assassin for hire, protecting the one percent in our society," I said, smugly.
"Too bad I'm out of business or your ass would be on my freaking list," he shot back.
"Now what?" I asked. "Since Jason already knows why you kept me from joining the others in the zone, what do we do."
"We play it smart. You keep your drama to the minimum and I'll help you through this denial phase." Liam replied, getting up from his seat. "Follow me." He added.
"And where is it we are going this time?" I asked eagerly, jumping to my feet and tailing after him.
"To pay your ol' boyfriend a visit."
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