Something weird has been going on guys. Keith shouldn’t be able to get sick or even feel sick, but he has been these last few days.
I’m really worried he’s going to die on me. I know it wouldn’t really be dead but to me it would be. I’m also possibly more worried he is trying to pull a prank on me. Normally he has a limit to what he is willing to do as a joke but since I have been sharing these stories with you guys, he has started getting a bit more adventurous. He has taken to following me to work and hanging out with me all day. Something I might add he has not done once since I was seventeen.
I got bullied a lot back then. Partially because talking to someone no one else can see or hear is going to get you all kinds of unwanted attention and partially because I struggled at school. I am not stupid. Not A star student level with exquisite spell casting and all that jazz. No I am a solid B at best most of the time something a lot lower down the alphabet. I get there though. I put in the effort and push to be better, but I am slow to get there. Everything that so many people take for granted as a natural skill takes my every ounce of concentration until I reach their level. Kids pick up on that and will mock you. Teenagers rip that kind of thing apart, so they can feel more secure.
I never asked Keith to stop talking to me. He understood though, something I am proud of for him now even if back then I felt like I had been betrayed. My friend left me alone to protect me.
But right now I am getting overly anxious about how clingy he is. I remember my Mum had a cat called Gretch when I was little. We didn’t really get along, Gretch did not appreciate tiny child hands grabbing onto her fur. She was quite a wild cat just like our wild garden and it wasn’t uncommon that she would run off into the fields for months at a time to go hunt rabbits and other small prey. One Summer instead of running off like normal she took to hanging around the house. She spent a lot more time sitting with Mum and even let me stroke her from time to time. She died about two weeks later. Gran said that animals can sense when their time is coming. I hope that isn’t true of obnoxious winds as well.
Look I’ve sat whining through this whole post but that is not what this blog is about. Let us get to a few more bits of information I thought you guys might be interested in. Now though Keith is a sentient wind he is not "The Wind". What this means is that though he does have a presence in the world and can travel he is not all winds at once. So say I might bring up about the damage done by a hurricane across the world and he won’t always know what I am talking about as he was not there and does not experience it. He can’t ask the other winds either. There seems to be a rule that winds can’t communicate with each other. It has something to do with absorbing or destroying each other if they come into contact that closely. It sounds rather lonely to me.
Keith can become a hurricane as well. He sees no difference between that and the gentle breeze I tend to feel his presence of most of the time. It is probably the most scary thing about him, that indifference. It is the thing that reminds me the most he is not human, even more than him not having a body. The power he can output only comes up when he tells me the stories of what he has been up to. Over time he has learnt not to bring up any time he has caused death. I do understand it is not a cruel thing, but I do not feel I can keep that rationale going if I hear about how people looked as they met their often painful fates.
On that happy note I’ll write to you guys again soon.
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