They looked around kinda... In awe and disbelief, but also, at the same time, some of them were just a little bit upset. Just a pinch.
"Sooo, uh... What are we supposed to do about..." they kinda looked around, puzzled, "... All of this Death and Destruction that just RANDOMLY befell us upon YOUR awakening?"
*snickers* "Oh. Oh, wait." *Gets self adjusted* "... Annnd... Here's the Pitch, LadiesandGentlemen..." Tsubake got himself NICE and comfortable on that Root, chillaxin' like nobody's business.
"Uuuuh, Weeelll..." He looked at the time, finding that Recharge in he and the Grand Golem complete and the Link to the Root completely established and flowing with Energy, "... Gee, I would just... LOVE to stick around and help you guys, buuuuut..." He rolled his shoulders up casually whilst rolling his eyes away from them suspiciously, "... Yeah, I've got some plans and uh... Ya know they're just gonna be..." He hopped from atop the Grand Golem's head, bracing himself for Impact,
~Titan's Knuckle (The Titanic)~
===A punch that can blow apart any solid or physical structure that comes in its path by disassembling material makeup, erasing weight and mass and ensuring the physical links that bind it together are released and cannot return to oneness. Also known as 'The Titanic'. It is his signature move.===
The very moment it was Called, the Great Arm of the Omegigas came to an arc, cocked back and prepared to kablast his ass. Being Titane's Souzenryoku, he was Able to Call Upon His Power at any given moment as though it were his own, having been bestowed by such a gift (being Proof of the 6th). When the cannon came to launch position, the arm burst upward with the precision of a piston. It would send Titane hurdling through the Depths and straight up into the Dawn in one, clean crease. Blowing apart his Particles and causing them to lose Mass and Weight gave them more freedom for the energy to fly faster. Where a normal, solid object would have been completely obliterated beyond repair, a Kamigami, who is able to Readily take on an Energetic Form through Energetic Control on a Molecular, Particular Manner. Therefore, Titane would not be harmed at all, just have his particles disassembled for a time and then brought back together where he was being launched to.
Afterward, the Grand Golem's arm slowly return to its stationary position by its side, and its eyes beamed down on them, wide, glowing and as blank and abysmal as its stale face.
"Oh... My Lor--" someone shouted in the crowd, "Did... Did he just have the thing just... ... EXPLODE HIMSELF all over the-- You saw that, right?"
They remained puzzled, dumbfounded and confused. Someone else stated another obvious and reasonably valid argument, "... Did he just LEAVE us here...?"
"WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!" someone else shouted in retort to both questions.
"What do we do with the... Monster thing?"
"Hey, where's that other fucking monkey...?"
The crowd suddenly got into a stir, some people accidentally using their powers that they had very little control of on each other and on things that they weren't trying to at the time. They were all actually hazardous to themselves and others and if not trained properly could probably end up killing themselves, destroying things they love and all such things haphazardly. Which, some just so happened to do on a minor level, causing issues between two people that weren't actually based on they, themselves, but perhaps circumstances caused by someone else who had no idea what they were doing and accidentally fucked something or someone up.
With a random banana that he wasn't exactly sure where he collect from (must have just accidentally swiped it in the clutch, knowing he was gonna need it later), and just so happened to have it right here and right now in this exact moment that it was necessary for him. "Who~? Me~?" he asked with a goofy curly crafty shifty smile.
This was gonna be hilarious. "Couldn't Be..." he smirked, taking off straight into the cut, "Heh. Then Who~?" Monkey Man wasn't getting caught in the clutch with the 'Clutch Seeing Eyes' and the 'Monkey Maneuverability'. Nah, none of that.
He was going STRAIGHT for the Golem, though. Without a doubt.
The crowd of rogues roared in agreement, each of them stirring up some of their powers that just so happened to haphazardly get in each others way, partially knocking some of them over whilst others ended up heading off in the direction of the Golem, where they'd seen the monkey tailed guy heading. Though a great deal of them basically accidentally toppled themselves over, or attempted to use their powers in a fashion that caused them more calamity than actual assistance, this discombobulated group of ruffians in the underground would basically... Well, all fall to shit.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY, CARL" someone shouted, slapping someone else with a giant metal shield, "SALLY, THAT'S MY FACE!!" another said, dodging a random sword flying through the air. "DID YOU JUST TRY TO PUSH ME OUT OF THE WAY, SAM!?!?" Eventually, they lost their focus on the main goal and started fighting amongst themselves, getting into random skirmishes and basically going ham on each other. Very few of them still stayed focused on their goal, since most of them were trying to get the other one back for either accidentally or purposefully assaulting or getting in their way.
Finishing his banana, he hurled the peel behind him and hop-stepped up the Golem, "Alleeoop~!" latching onto whatever niche he could in order to get a good grip with his hands and footing with his feet, already knowing that the half-wits that could barely use their powers weren't gonna get anywhere near him, let alone figure out how to use their abilities to even try. "Aaaaand now we wait." He said, making himself more than comfortable. "Damn, I shoulda swiped TWO bananas..." He scratched his ass a bit, a little pissed that he didn't. "Let's see how long it takes them to figure this one out... *snicker* Or... *in Fiddy Cent voice* ... Or Die Tryin.' *snicker*" And he was just gonna sit there and watch them, waiting for that perfect moment...
Whilst a majority of them were fighting, the ones that remained focused on the target and not getting wrapped up in petty rivalries and dumbass vengeance between themselves would continue their pursuit, shouting out to him, "YOU KNOW SOMETHING, DON'T YOU!?!? DON'T YOU!!?!?" But, since they weren't paying any attention to the fact that he threw the banana peel down there, the first guy would slip, causing a domino effect and many of the others behind him to trip and slip up, too.
"I'unno. Maaaayyyybeeee." He was trying to hold back his laughter, "I mean, you're gonna hafta be a little bit more specific. I don't quite know exactly what you're talking about, so I couldn't give you a real definite answer anyway." He snickered some more, stomping his foot, "You're... *snicker* You're gonna hafta be a little more direct. I don't uh... *snicker* ...You're just uh... *snicker* being a little too vague for my understanding here, kids." He could barely contain himself, pounding the surface he was sitting on viciously with his fist as though he were about to burst, "You-- *snicker* -- You know I'm just another dumb old monkey. Bakabakabakabakabaka~" He got up and did the 'I'm Just A Stupid Monkey That Doesn't Know Anything' dance to appease them. Hopefully, they would go away and mind their business once they saw he 'Didn't Know Anything.'
They started getting up off their asses, rubbing their backs and butts as the others continued killing each other, only some snapping out of it and joining the rest of the crowd once they got uninterested in trying to avenge themselves for the sake of their feeble pride. "Well, it looks like he doesn't know anything. He's just as lost as we are, guys..."
They groaned, some of them pouting, others getting all frumpy and grumpy. But then, the wise guy said, "HEY WAIT A SECOND. I SAW THIS ON FLCL. ISN'T THIS WAS HARUKO DID TO EVERYONE IN THAT SHOW?!?!" Many of them looked around, having no idea what the fuck FLCL even was, nor who 'Haruko' was. There were a few of them that knew, though, and then that's when they started wising up, too. "HEY. YEAH. YEAH, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED, ISN'T IT!?!" Now they were really pissed.
"Damn, they're actually sharper than I thought..." he muttered, a bit disappointed, but also kinda pleased with them, "I thought for SURE that would have gotten them off my ass..." He wasn't talkin', regardless. Especially since he didn't know FOR SURE EXACTLY what they were referring to. Yeah. That was gonna be his cover. As long as they didn't ever tell him EXACTLY what the issue was, he wasn't gonna answer the question. "Heh heh heeeeeh~. I am a genie-us." He stood triumphantly, giving himself a thumb's up and smiling, basking in his own thoughtfulness. "Well, enough of that," he said, plopping back down on his ass.
"UH." time for a well placed distraction... "HEY. IT SEEMS LIKE THAT GUY, WHO CLEARLY KNOWS WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT, WHO REFERENCED THAT ANIME THAT THIS WAS SUDDENLY BECOMING LIKE, SEEMS TO KNOW THAT THIS WORLD IS BECOMING LIKE AN ANIME!" He pointed RIGHT at that guy. "YOU SHOULD TOOOOTALLY PAY ALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THAT GUY." He pointed more vigorously. "... Yep. YOU. THAT GUY. RIGHT THERE." Since he clearly WASN'T TALKING, it wasn't like they could get anything from him, anyway. Ain't got nothin on him. "Come on, guys. Does it REEAAAALLY seem like I know something? REEEAAALLY?" He gave him the most innocent and dumb look he could. "RREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLYYYYYY?"
That guy was starting to make some sense now, especially considering the one of them who shouted out the idea was actually pretty smart, from what they knew about him. "FRED!!!" they cried, "All this time, you knew!?"
Fred: What?! How did-- NO, IT'S HIM!!! DON'T FALL FOR--
"Some of us want to live, Fred." They frowned at him, shaking their heads in disdain, "... Not cool, Fred. Not cool."
"That is an innocent dumb monkey man, Fred. He is in the same boat as us, clearly knowing nothing. And you... You knew we were turning into an anime, and you just... KEPT it from us! *shakes him* WANTED ALL THE POWERS TO YOURSELF, FRED!? HUH!? IS THAT IT, FRED?!?!?
Fred sighed, shaking his fist at the monkey man. "How... Did this even happen...?"
Tsubake looked at how many of those numbers dropped off of his attention, dwindling now into the single digits and he snickered, "Yup, that did it." He would casually slip up onto the back of the Grand Golem, out of sight of the people so that no one 'accidentally' noticed him again, right in 'The Shadow' of the giant thing. He would kick back and laugh his ass off. "Worked like a friggin' charm! UKEKEKEKE~!" But whole time... He wanted that extra banana.
Now with their attention off of Tsubake, they were focusing on the person who they thought knew everything about what to do and how to save them and how to use their newfound powers; Fred.
"So, what else do you know, Fred?!" They shook him, roughed him up a bit, "DO YOU KNOW THE SECRETS!?" They continued to shake him, "HOW TO CONTROL IT!? HOW TO GET MORE!??!?" Someone slapped him, "ANSWER ME, FRED!!!"
"LIES!!!" They were almost ready to string him up and torture him in order to get the info out of him, and knowing them, they weren't above it. "Start talking, Fred, or else we're gonna use what little bit of what we know on YOU!"
Fred, pointing "IT'S THE MONKEY!! HE CLEARL--" he pointed at the spot where Tsubake once was, "LOOK! He's GONE now!! He... He CLEARLY is hiding something and then distracted you with all types of bullshit, then dipped off in the cut!!! COME ON!!!"
"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT, FRED!!!" they slap him again, "TALK!!" But then, that other guy, Steve, pointed up to where Fred pointed, being just sharp enough to believe him, "NO, WAIT!! HE'S RIGHT!!! THE MONKEY'S GONE!!"
Carl, the one orchestrating this anarchic riot, would drop Fred and scream at the top of his lungs "SON OF A BITCH!!! MOTHER FUCKING MONKEY!!!" He would shake his fist violently "DAMN YOU, MONKEY!! CURSE YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!"
Sam: Uh...
Carl: ... Don't you DARE...
Sam: ... *llama voice* But Caaaarrrrrrrrrrrl...
Carl sighs "... Don't..."
Steve: ... We've been duped.
Carl: ... Mother shit.
"Heh heh heeeeh~" he jeered in the shadows, no longer able to be seen nor heard, their attention completely dwindling now as they found out their original primitive methods that USED to work for them just wouldn't with this guy anymore, "Made out like a bandit~!" With 'The Secret Of The Bandit' in his sights, he would chill out here for a little while and do his work in the shadows for a bit whilst he let them duke it out. "Man, they're actually not all that clever." They probably were, but they just didn't know what was going on like Tsubake did. And it sounded like they were just now figuring it out, getting right back to where they started. "Heh heh. Well, at least they aren't fighting anymore. That's a start." Though, he was a little concerned about the Grand Golem being suddenly... Well, inactive. "... But I wonder about this thing? While they collect their lives, I'm gonna just, uh..." I mean, he already had a lot of secrets under his belt, so. Might as well find out a few more about this here Golem, yeah? He would start to walk along the edge of its neck, trying to figure out how to work it... Or see if he could get more power from it... Or... At least figure out what it did...? Hell, SOMETHING.
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