“Okay ya little troublemakas. Ya free ta go,” The detention teacher smacks the gum in her mouth loudly. She swipes to another page of her romance novel as she waves us off.
“You have to unshackle us Ms.” I say, holding up my wrists to reveal the metal bands tightly wrapped around them.
The detention teacher turns to us, flicking her braid behind her shoulder, she presses the button sat in front of her. The bracelets release, magnetized to the detention desks. I catch the African American girl staring at me. I glance at her. She licks her lips nervously, glancing at the teacher.
We exit the detention room, walking silently down the hallway until we reach a white, floating platform. I step on, crossing my arms as the two girls from the other day step onto it.
“My sister Ophelia thinks I should tell the police and I’ve been holding off for your sake. Please tell me what you know,” I beg.
Elliot looks around, glancing around the round buidling to make sure no one is around to hear the echo of her voice. She tugs nervously on her braid, fiddling with it.
“It’s clear,” Yasmine says.
Elliot nods, “My auntie was named Loretta Smith. She was the Guardian of the four marks before you, and she handed those down to you. You must not give them up and for a good reason,” Elliot starts, whispering low to me. “She wrote in her journal about Grimm’s plans. I don’t know exactly why, but he’s responsible for some sketchy shit in the past. Shit that involves sudden deaths of people in power, archeologists, scientists, etc. My auntie also somehow connected the disappearance of multiple adults and teenagers with them being holders of power. Power Grimm wanted.”
“Why should I care about that? You’ve stated yourself that you don’t know why Grimm is doing what he does. What if it’s for a noble cause?” I ask, stepping forward.
“If he’s killing people…the noble cause can’t be worth it,” Yasmine steps in, staring at me intently.
“Why should I even care? Why should I suffer for others? For a cause I barely know about?” I ask.
“That’s a little selfish-“ Yasmine starts.
“It’s understandable,” Elliot interrupts. “Look, it’s a lot to ask, but my auntie chose you for a reason. I think you’re the key to unlocking a lot of the things I don’t know. It’s dangerous, but people’s lives are at stake. There’s no easy way out, join us. We can figure this out together.” Elliot says, holding out her hand.
I stare at it. I don’t know what’s been happening, nor do I want to know. I also don’t want to get involved in any of this. I grab my neck, feeling the fresh skin cutting a line across it. Elliot does make a good argument though. There is no easy way out of this. If I give them up to the enemy, they’ll leave me alone, but others will suffer. If I don’t, I suffer. The choice seems simple, doesn’t it? Everything inside me is telling me to agree, but I know better.
“Fine,” I agree, taking Elliot’s hand. “Promise me something.”
“What?” Elliot asks.
“That I won’t have to be the hero. I don’t want to fight anyone. I just want know what’s going on.” I say.
“What if that’s the only way?” Elliot asks.
“Then I’m out. I’ve already-“ I pause, remembering that night. The feeling of drowning. The ground beneath my skin. Crying for help. I shake my head. “I-“ I pause,”Um…I have another condition.”
Elliot nods, gesturing for me to continue.
“My sister and my best friend have to be a part of this. I’ve told them all I know. About getting attacked in an alleyway and waking up with these marks on my skin…and and strange things happening. And there’s this boy. I promised to tell him everything too.”
Elliot closes her eyes, whispering underneath her breath. Yasmine appears to do the same, glancing around as if she’s weighing her options.
“We’d prefer to keep it closed to that circle of people then,” Elliot says.
I nod.
“You got it.”
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