The girls jaws dropped. “, Whaaaaatttttt!”. ”,Cooooollllll!”. Just then everyone realized that Ashley was starting to stop twiching but still wasn’t waking up. “,Wait, what does Ashley not being human have to do with her twitching?” Jamie asked. The Hernandez’s shook their heads”, we don't know, we just felt this has something to do with that.” Everyone was confused.
All of a sudden, a see-through swirling vortex appeared. “What is that thing!?” Millicent shouted over the noise of the vortex. All of a sudden, a woman stepped out of the vortex. All the girls (adults and kids) screamed. The fathers stepped in front of them.” Molly, Bex, Erica, get the girls and yourselves to safety while we hold her back”, Mr.Kelly said. The mothers each grab their child, except for Mrs Hernandez, who had to pick up her Ashley. And they ran.
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