Dear Diary,
My name is Suisy. I know right, why is it spelt like that, and it not "swisee" it's "Suezy". But you should ask my mom and dad why it's spelt that way, even though my dad is not in my life anymore and no I don't mean DEAD dummy, I mean he went to go date and marry some ugly bimbo of a woman when my mom was less successful and then tried to get back with her later on. Umm back up peanut head she's taken to Jesus so get your life together you lost your chance but anyways. Yea yea my name's suisy yada yada I'm 17 years old etc. etc. I am "popular" in my school but I wouldn't call myself popular, more like well known :). But to be honest I wouldn't have been well known if it wasn't for this one boy that I met on the first day at my new school. But I am not gonna talk anymore, let's just hop into it. Rewinding to 6th grade.
Suisy <3
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