During the dinner break, Mira and I were summoned to the principal's office with ten other students. We were all in the same classes, so I was wondering if we did something wrong. Yet nothing has come to my mind. The director's office was pretty strange to wait in for the other students since we were the first ones to arrive. In the minutes that followed, the room started to fill, there were so many people in there, everyone didn't stop kicking at each other tails. At last, the last student arrived, and we could finally start.
“Thank you for giving me some of your time. I'll make this meeting short. As your twentieth birthday approaches, I invited you to this meeting. As you all know, this is when you'll all pass from childhood to adulthood. Plus, it is the perfect time to find yourself a match at the matchmaker. One at a time, come see me, so I can give you the date and hour of your appointment,” explained the director.
I was utterly shocked and frightened. How could I forget about this?! My birthday was only two days away! I never once thought about leaving this place and never planned to, but the matchmaker didn't stop at that. He would go through all the seven seas to find the one the most compatible with us.
Please, Gods of the seven seas, help me pass through this, I secretly prayed.
I nervously looked at my friend, and her eyes were shining with excitement. I gulped as we went to see the principal for our appointment. I let Mira go first after waiting for a bit. I was so nervous that I didn't notice my turn had come. I snapped out of my trance when she hit me with her elbow on my side.
“Your name?” asked the principal, still looking at the papers on his desk.
“Llyr,” I answered nervously, my tail already fidgeting, creating bubbles.
“Llyr, your appointment is settled for the…” he started searching for my name in the papers. “The third day after the second cycle of the big wave, when the sun is at his highest. Don't be late,” informed the director before dismissing me.
Mira and I both swam outside the room. Taking a big, shaky breath, I coughed on the saltiness of the water. Definitely, there was going to be a salt storm tonight. Exactly a week after my twentieth birthday would hold the day when I would have to meet the matchmaker. My shoulders tensed up as I cursed under my breath.
“Llyr, you don't look pleased at all, quite the opposite. What's wrong?” asked my best friend worried as we were on our way to eat.
“Nothing, at all. What do you mean by that?” I lied while feigning confusion.
“Don't lie. It's useless, your tail has been fidgeting since the meeting. Tell me,” she ordered in a more authoritative tone.
“I… I don't like the idea of finding myself a match…” I mumbled, knowing very well how bad I would be scolded by others if they happened to hear this. Mira, however, heard me clearly, and by looking at her reaction, it was apparent that she wasn't pleased.
She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from the hallway to somewhere more private. Her anger was obvious because she was swimming so furiously, and to be honest, I started feeling nervous. I should have kept my mouth shut.
When she finally found an empty room, she pushed me inside before closing the door. I gulped and tried to hide behind a desk or something, but she glared at me and I just froze.
“M-Mira, please calm down. I didn't mean that at all. I mean, I was only worried about it. You know how nervous I can be to something foreign and finding a…” I stopped in my rambling as soon as her arms wrapped around my neck.
“Don't say something so dangerous in front of so many people, you stupid seaweed!” she scolded while holding me tightly. “Imagine a teacher heard you! Who knows what would have happened?”
“I’m sorry. I will be more careful next time,” I apologized.
“It's okay to be nervous, Llyr. But you can't doubt the matchmaker. Due to his power, he would know what you were feeling instantly. You can't show him that, or he would personally re-educate you,” she tried to comfort me.
Although I nodded, I did not feel better at all. I was only hoping that my match and I would get along. It could be anyone, a mermaid, a merman from this sea or another.
The rest of the day went without problems, but my mind was filled with unanswered questions. I only had to keep my smile for a few more days and then maybe… Maybe I would be able to stay here and have a match that would understand me. Rather than hating one another, appreciating and living together harmoniously is what matters the most. That was what I was hoping for, but life was known to be unfair and cruel.
Back home, my parents finally announced what they were scheming from this morning. My parents had already planned a big party for my twentieth birthday, and almost everyone from the neighbourhood was invited. I cringed at the thought.
“There's another thing you should know,” added my dad after mom joyfully announced the news. “Distant relatives will come live with us starting tomorrow. They're distant cousins of yours. I want you on your best behaviour and be kind to them.” explained dad, peeking out of his newspaper for the first time of the day.
“Yes, how long will they stay?”
“About a month. They reached adulthood a few weeks ago. They are coming here because their matchmaker is sick,” he sighed while shaking his head.
“I hope you three can be friends and support each other!” continued mom with her signature smile.
I only hoped we were going to get along. With all the ceremonies to come, I did not need more stress. But, I'll like to see who were my distant cousins of mine. I couldn't wait!
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