"Which one should I choose?" asked Daryl as she showed me various pieces of white clothing and accessories.
I have never seen shells that white and smooth before. They were so rare and highly praised, as the black shells. So, it was no wonder that only a few merpeople could afford it, like royalties. Even if I was mated to the future king, it was still hard to believe that I could afford those luxuries now.
I carefully looked at the items she was showing me and I selected a few. "You should try them on and see how they fit," I recommended as she nodded and went inside a room.
Darya was my cousin's mate. Who thought that both of us would end up in the same family. This would offer us a chance to know each other better and maybe we could be friends. That sounded so nice since I didn't know anyone here. I wonder how Mira was doing. Was she content with her mate too? What about my parents? Would they miss me? I wish I could visit them sometimes.
Darya came out from the room dressed in her ceremony outfit. She posed and I stared at her. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
"Please don't say anything," she joked making me snap out of it.
"You're absolutely gorgeous," I simply answered making her smile brightly.
"I hope Kaito will think so too! Okay next!" she excitedly swam back inside the room.
I sat down on a chair close from there and flicked my tail up from time to time. I caressed it and as usual, it was smooth and shiny, but it was nothing compared to Darya's tail. I wondered what kind of seaweed she was using? She said that we would go look for my outfit too, today, so maybe we could purchase some tail products too. I loved shopping and was kind of glad that Cadfael or Kaito couldn't come. I felt more comfortable with Darya only since with Cadfael I wouldn't be able to keep a clear mind and Kaito... Well, I don't know. I couldn't read him sometimes.
An hour or so later, we got out of the shop with tons of bags. I was glad that we came in a carriage. So, we put everything inside before climbing up in it. She gave the instruction to the coachman. He nodded, and we were off somewhere else in the city.
She informed me that we would go to eat before stopping at another shop. It wasn't until she said that that I noticed how hungry I was. Apparently, she selected a fancy restaurant. I gulped in nervousness since I never ate in one, but it shouldn't be as stressing as eating with the King and Queen right?
Oh, I was wrong. I felt like everyone was looking at us. Did I have something on me? Didn't I look presentable? I glanced at Darya, but she was completely fine. Maybe I was just imagining things.
"It's okay, calm down Llyr. You're perfect, nothing's improper. They already know about you that's why," she explained as she sat on a chair after a waiter pulled the chair for her as another one did the same for me. I thanked him and they left us alone.
"They know about me? What exactly?" I asked trying to not look around too much.
"About you mating my brother," she answered just before a different waiter came to greet us and to present himself. Then he offered us the menus and let some time to choose our dish.
She chuckled before answering, "Who wouldn't? You're the mate of the next King, Llyr," I blushed. She was right.
I opened the menu hoping it would distract me. On that occasion, I saw the prices. It was way too expensive! Cadfael did give me a credit shell and said that I could use it for anything no matter the price, but... I wasn't comfortable using it.
"What wrong?" she asked causing me to look at her.
"It's nothing," I awkwardly laughed as I touched the back of my neck.
"Tell me," she insisted making me sigh in defeat.
"It's the p-price..." I mumbled.
She sighed, "Why can't you use the credit shell my brother ave you?"
"I-I feel bad using his money..." I weekly answered as she lectured me.
"You're right, it's his money," she started making me nod. "So, why aren't you doing what he told you?" she finished making me shoulder drop. "I understand, it's a change, but it's his way to excuse himself since he couldn't come. Use it and make him happy okay?" her tone softened.
"Okay," I nodded agreeing with her.
"So what are you craving?" she asked her tone all bubbly and light again.
After the relatively expensive but delicious lunch, we went back into the carriage so we could go to the shop Darya couldn't stop talking about. It wasn't rare that the matchmakers mated two mermen together. So, I wasn't extremely surprised when we entered a shop where everything is made for this kind of matching.
I looked around not knowing where we should start first. This shop was surely bigger than the last one. It must have been written on my face that I didn't know a damn what I should do since the staff and Darya pulled me in every direction, ordering me to try this or that.
"Sir, is there anything else you want?" asked my soon to be sister in law.
"Some seaweed lotions for my tail?" I answered more than a question and I saw the glint in her eyes.
"I exactly know what you need."
She swam away before coming back shortly showing me a bottle. It looked very fancy and expensive since the bottle wasn't even that big.
"Would you like to try it first?" asked the staff making me look at her silently asking if it was permitted.
She didn't seem bothered by it, and it looked like a norm here, so I accepted. She pulled out a chair, and I sat down on it. She came back with another bottle, one that was surely already used. She poured some into her hand as she explained the steps. When the lotion was applied, I needed to wait more or less ten minutes so it could dry. Next, I touched my tail and oh God, it was smooth and shiny. This was way better than the old one I was using.
"Is it to your liking?"
Was she fucking with me? I never touched or saw my tail this smooth and shiny. Of course, I liked it!
"Absolutely! Thank you very much!" I beamed.
"How many would you like?"
"On-" I didn't even have time to complete my sentence that Darya told her that I would take an entire box.
The worst of all remained the fact that she took the credit shell from me to swipe it herself. When I asked her why she simply answered that I may have fainted seeing the price...
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