"Llyr wake up."
Something was shaking me, and I didn't like it. I turned around hoping it would leave me alone. Fortunately, it did. Then, I jumped awake when it touched the spot where my skin and the scales met.
"Kshaheisbfl?" I sat up straight still half-asleep.
I overheard someone laugh beside me, so I turned to identify who it was. I was greeted by no other than my mate. I lazily wrapped my arms around his waist and lay my head on his tail. So comfy. I could already feel myself going back to sleep...
"Oh no no, wake up. The King's waiting for us," Cadfael hoisted me up with his arms.
"Go get ready. You still have fifteen minutes." When I didn't move he sighed, "He is all yours."
He placed me back on the bed as then to my surprise multiples pair of hands started touching me. My eyes snapped open in confusion, and I had to blink a few times to comprehend what was happening. They were here, the maids!
"I'm sorry! Please stop, I'll do it myself. P-please!" I begged as they started probing and touching me.
"We don't have much time left, please hurry," stated my mate as I relaxed a little thinking he was talking to me.
"Don't worry Sir. He will be ready in time," replied a maid as she put some lotion I bought the other day on my tail.
When they did let me go, they placed a gigantic mirror in front of me. Even though I didn't like them dolling me up, the results were quite spectacular. I wouldn't have achieved these results by myself. But, to think they even had to brush my teeth...
"Ready?" asked my mate with his hand stretched out.
I nodded and put my hand in his. I silently followed my mate into the throne room. Everyone was already here, and Lehar was glaring at us. Not that it was unusual.
"You're late," he groaned frustratedly.
"Apologies, but Llyr was quite shaken up after your stunt yesterday," Cadfael answered coldly.
"Enough," the King interjected. "We aren't here to hear you two fight. I have reached a decision. First, Llyr will be mated to Cadfael no matter what. Mating isn't something to be played with," the King looked at Lehar. "Second, a duel will take place," as soon as he said that, I tensed. "But it'll not be a race. Since you were kids, you two learned the art of wielding the sword. So, you'll fight, and the winner will have my crown," explained the ruler of the Second Kingdom as he observed his two sons.
"The rules of the match will be stated in the afternoon. Any objections?" No one moved. Everyone in the room stood still. "Good, now return to your daily duties."
We waited for the others to leave first. But before we could take our leave, his annoying voice boomed through the room, "What a shame, that I won't be able to have you, little one."
I felt my mate tense and I was about to answer back, but he beat me to it. "You should feel honoured to be able to breathe the same air as him, bastard," Lehar's face went completely red. "You should also be gratified Father's giving you this much attention. Having his blood doesn't mean everything. You have to possess the education as well, which you clearly lack."
"Humph, let us see if you'll be this arrogant in our duel. Accidents do happen sometimes," he mumbled the last part, so only we could hear.
My eyes snapped at the man, he wouldn't dare, right?
"Your mate should be proud of you then," Cadfael spat venomously.
The look on Lehar's face changed from being annoyed to pure anger. I was convinced that a fight was about to explode, but when I heard a familiar voice call my name, I sighed in relief. We all looked at the direction of the door to see Darya rushing toward us.
"Llyr! Here you are! How long did you intend to make me wait outside huh?" she accused me for a reason I ignored. Did I promise her something that I forgot?
"What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly as both my mate and Lehar were observing us.
"I can't believe it! You forgot?" she gasped shocked. "We were supposed to have a double date today," she grumbled. "Kaito and me with Cadfael and you."
I frowned I didn't remember any of this. When I heard Lehar click his tongue, I devoted my attention to him. He just left the room without another word.
"What was all that about?" Darya asked as she observed him leave.
"Him trying to steal my mate and being a pain in the ass?" grumbled my mate still annoyed by his older stepbrother.
"Now, about the double date," she started making me look at her in confusion.
"I don't remember agreeing on that..." I mumbled mostly to myself.
"Oh, because you didn't. I just came up with it," she smiled proudly to herself as Kaito appeared behind her.
"No," my mate clearly answered without an ounce of hesitation causing Darya to roll her eyes.
"I didn't ask your opinion. Come on Llyr, it'll be fun. And it is a golden opportunity to forget about all this. Please?" she pouted a little while batting her eyelashes.
She was kind of right. It'll be able to make my mate relax. Being all tense and annoyed and grumpy will not help him win.
"Okay," I agreed as she cheered out loud before snatching me into a tight hug. Then, I looked at my mate, "Come with me?"
"I already have something scheduled for the day," he gently answered compared to the one word answer he just gave to his sister.
"Please? It'll help you relax and..." I thought about another excuse when it came to mind, "If you come I have a present for you!"
"A present?" he asked with his eyes shining like the stars we saw the other night.
I nodded and knew he will accept. He was too intrigued to say no. Plus, it was already written on his facial expression that he was as excited as a child.
"I guess I'll go then."
His answer made everyone laugh. His acting wasn't convincing at all, but he was so cute when he did it.
"Awesome! Let's go then!" Darya cheered as she pulled her mate toward the door.
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