"I'm going to fetch your present, I'll be right back!" I said joyfully to Cadfael before rushing back to our room.
I rapidly open our bedroom doors before going to my nightstand and seized the bag with the collar in it. I opened to check if it was still inside and smiled when it was the case. Hopefully, he will like it. I closed the bedroom's doors behind me and swam back to the group waiting for me.
"Sorry for the wait," I smiled as I stopped next to my mate as I held the bag against my chest.
It seemed like it attracted his attention since he was intensely looking at it. "Aren't you going to give it to me?"
I looked at both Darya and Kaito. I blushed and looked down. He wanted me to give his gift in front of them? I shyly nodded and offered him his present. My mate beamed and took it. He looked like a child right now. It was kind of adorable. He opened the bag and took out the necklace. He looked at it closely before putting it on.
"I love it," he smiled, and I let out a sigh of relief. "It reminds me of the stars," he whispered the last part so only I could hear it. I blushed even harder when he tilted my head up and gave me a loving kiss.
"Okay, enough!" said Darya as she squeezed in between us. "You guys can continue that later, but for now, we have a double date to go!"
Cadfael let out a growl, but Darya just grabbed my arm and led me away. I looked at my mate and then at his sister. I slightly smiled and let myself being dragged away. My mate didn't seem happy, but he followed us anyway. I hoped this change of pace would make him relax. Plus, it wasn't every day that I could have a date with him!
"Where are we going?" I asked my sister in law as we left the castle.
"Let's go eat! I know a great place," she beamed and nudged me into a carriage.
She entered next and sat in front of me. Before long, Cadfael sat was next to me as Kaito went with Darya. The door closed and a silence invaded the carriage. If things continued like that, the date would be ruined. But... I couldn't think of anything that could lessen the tension. Both Kaito and Cadfael were looking outside through the windows, and Darya was humming while looking at her nails. How could she be so oblivious to the atmosphere in here?
When we arrived at the restaurant, I was relieved to come out of the carriage. I hesitantly took my mate's hand into mine and waited for his reaction. He gave me a reassuring clench, and we walked inside hand in hand. My jaw dropped open when we were seated at a booth. I should have known that the only places that my sister in law appreciated were high class and very expensive restaurants. She was royalty after all... I glanced at my cousin and saw him unbothered by his surroundings. He seemed to fit right in.
The waiter offered us our menus and quickly left to fetch our drinks. I opened my menu and as expected; everything was so expensive. Plus, most of the food that was written was unknown to me. There were so many fancy names.
"Do you know what you're going to eat?" asked my mate after a while.
I looked at him and smiled nervously. "Not yet... I don't really know what most of these are."
"Hmm, what about some fish?" he asked making me look weirdly at him.
"You eat fish?"
He seemed to find it funny because he started to laugh. But it was such a lovely sound that I didn't mind that he was actually laughing at me. I hoped I could hear it more often.
"You never consumed fish before?" he asked when he calmed down. I shook my head still a little shocked. "Mmm, it's true that fishes are quite expensive and the thought of eating it isn't that popular," he explained with stroking his chin with his finger. "Ah, but never mind that, do you want to try it?"
I thought about it for a while, but what if I didn't like it? I didn't want to waste food especially when it was this expensive. Maybe I should take something like a seaweed salad?
"Don't worry, we can always order something else if you don't like it," he added as he knew what I was thinking.
"O-okay then," I accepted.
When everyone knew what they will get, Kaito called our waiter over. We stated what we wanted to the waiter, and before leaving, he left a basket filled with what looked like... Like...
"What is this?" I asked out loud.
Darya seized one in her hand and ripped it in two. She gave me a piece as she ate the other one. "It's good," she smiled.
"It's some seaweed bread," Kaito explained as he took one for himself and put some of the white stuff on it. "Butter made with the fish's grease. Try some with it too."
I initially tried the bread without the butter. I was surprised by the texture. It was so fluffy, almost like a pillow. It tasted good too! I took the small knife like Kaito did and cut a small piece of butter before spreading it on the bread. I took another bite, and the saltiness of the butter complimented well the subtle taste of the bread. I devoured the piece of bread in a few bites.
Before long, our dishes arrived. The waiter placed a steaming plate in front of me. I looked at it and was relieved to see that there wasn't a dead fish looking at me. I sighed in relief and took the bigger fork and knife from the bunch. I cut a bite-sized piece of the fish without anything else and looked at it before bringing it into my mouth. I slowly chewed as I noticed that everyone was currently looking at me making me blush a little.
"Do you like it?" asked my mate with a small smile.
"It's good!"
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