“Uncle?” Liam hums and he looks up from a book, “Tell me ‘bout Grandma and Grandpa,” Liam looks at Jake “Grandma was just like me, she loved books and her hair was just as red as mine. Grandpa always seemed mad but he was a good man,” he goes back to the book. I look at Jake as he nods.
“Where was Grandma from?” Liam sniffs “Scotlan’” he says without looking for him book. A heavy accent in place. Jakes eyes twinkle, Liam chuckles “You already know this, you just wanted me to say Scotlan’ didn’t ya’?” Jake giggles and nods. I laugh lightly at Jake's intentions.
Jake looks at me, “I like it, but I don’t have one,” he huffs softly. I smile and ruffle his hair. Liam chuckles and closes his book, making it zap. He flicks hair out his eyes and sigh softly.
“What happened to Grandma….and Grandpa, Uncle?” Jake asks softly. Liam looks at at the table, “They died in a plane crash two years ago bud,” I look at Liam, feeling the atmosphere tense a little. Jake looks down, “Oh,” he says softly. Liam licks his lips and looks around.
After we eat and the atmosphere disappears slowly Liam unlocks the doors “Want me to drop you off at your place?” I nod, “Yeah, I don’t live that far from the library,” Liam nods and gets in the truck. Me and Jake get in after, Liam starting it up.
Liam hums softly and opens his window, a weird look on his face. Jake fidgets and leans his head on my chest. I don’t address the look as I rub Jake’s head, messing with his hair.
He giggles and smiles, he curls in my lap and nuzzles my chest. I laugh a little, keeping myself distracted as we drive.
Jake dozed off, “Thank you for helping me with him while I’m gone,” I shake my head, “It’s nothing, really,”
“It is to me, thank you,” he looks at me then at the road.
“No problem,” I say softly. He stops in front of my house, “Thank you for driving me home,” I open the door, moving Jake cautiously, not wanting to wake him.
“No problem, and get some sleep,” I take my books out, “I can’t promise anything, I have a lot of books,” he grins “Try then,” I chuckle lightly, closing the door, “Night,”
“Night Owen,” I wave as I head to my house, opening the door.
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