Hi so I know I normally use this as a sort of newsletter/Q&A but I haven’t really got any questions and I only have a small update so I’m just going to tack it on hear. So, I have a reason to post this on sights other than deviant art ok so to get the news out of the way. I’ve been working on a 3rd story called forbidden sin yeah, I know I suck at naming things. Well I’ve finished writing it and this first chapter is about a 6th of the length of my entire first work story so far. But as its still needs to be edit it I’m hoping to post it this upcoming Thursday the 21st but I make no promises the chapter is long, and I honestly don’t know if I can finish it by then. But I will post it as soon as is possible so check back every Thursday for the next few weeks. Next up as the name can suggest I’m going to list off a few ideas for pikmin 4 this was inspired by someone else’s pikmin 4 idea. Ok hear goes in the plot begins with an new character being introduced or just popping in I like the idea of memory loss in the crash but maybe not. This new crew mate would wake up on the planet no ship and lost and would find the pickmin and then play through the tutorial. Now I have 3 scenarios idea. Idea 1 as night falls this new crew member finds the safe zone that will become a bass/hub which is a new mechanic me and I know a few other people want. 2 in this one the new character reaches a section where something will happen to him and he will be trapped tell we can free him like Charlie in pikmin 3. Going on to idea 3 as night nears Olimar shows up to find the pikmin and finds the crew mate and saves him. Then it will switch to a cut seen with the crew of the ss drake calling olimar in an attempt to get his help with gathering more food for their world. Giving Hocotate Freight a contract that saves them from bankruptcy but leaving it in debt this is where the shop comes in you can exchange treasures for money. then use it to buy or unlock upgrades this will have a effect on the ending by finding them all and buying all the upgrades you save Hocotate Freight now judging on the first 3 ideas olimar arrives at the bass location. in option 1 it already has some basic shelter and defenses and as explained in pikmin 1 the suits can keep its inhabitant alive for about a month no worries about the crew mate not having a ship at first. Next is 2 and 3 play out the same olimar identifies a landing spot to set up a bass and starts setting up a shelter and going on 1 and 3 are the same. The new crew mate heeds off into the bass zone or another landing sight the only differences with 2 is olimar goes instead. You then grow the pickmin and gather what he can ie ship part maybe some treasure and fruit but the new thing for this game resources small rocks twigs pottery bits of metal just basic building supplies these will be used to upgrade the base. At first you will have limited ability to gather these anywhere other than at bass and though caves will be visible at day one you wont yet be able to go in them. Any ways because the ss dolphin is a one seat ship you can only take one captain with you to other landing sights tell the bass reaches a set level. Then the ss drake will show up with its crew and olimar would then leave to pick up more supplies and then on return he’d set up the shop at this point one of the ss drake crew will join you on a mission to salvage the pikmin 2 ship this ship probably wont get fully fixed in game but its. Research Pod and ai do get fixed and upgraded allowing you to enter the caves and collect off sight resources without restriction after interring the first cave olimar returns and the ss dolphin acts as the shop. though I’d like the ss dolphin to start following the drake to landing sights but I got no good reason to why it would though. Any ways by this point you get your third party member but in 2 this would be where you went and rescue the new crew mate from hear on you would continue tell you would hit a progression point then you would receive the first hint on louie location and gain your forth crew member and hunt for louie going into deeper caves exploring new landing sights once you have hit most of these you will unlock the boss level or cave and beat the final boss. I think louie would join you or get captured then after a end game cut seen you return to bass and unlock one last rich and challenging level and lets you 100% the game and unlocking the best and final ending. Now to add in a few things I’d like in the game hidden ending new pikmin the returning of old pikmin the unit cap raised to 200 night missions as challenge mode you have to pick to enter but you would have a few night raids on the bass tamable or useful enemies.
Now as for my discussion topic what would you like to have in pickmin 4 and lastly comments are welcome and questions for the Q&A would be greatly appreciate
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