A short comic story about biblical angels, their roles throughout time, and their thoughts on humans and creation in general.
This comic is available as a printed zine: http://tomatobird.storenvy.com/products/23450373-gloria-an-angel-zine
The original comic can be read on Tumblr here: http://tomato-bird.tumblr.com/post/172561217436/a-short-comic-story-about-biblical-angels-their
For further commentary on depictions of angels and "accuracy" in the Bible: http://tomato-bird.tumblr.com/post/172614389656/ive-been-completely-floored-in-response-to-the
Thank you for reading! I'm planning on putting my old shorts from the past couple years here in a kind of anthology series. They are a little scattered but looking at them all together it's nice to see the common themes and similarities that I like returning to now and again.
Mermaids, angels, the wrath of God, and the behavior of strange creatures called Human Beings. A collection of short comics exploring unnerving but beautiful contradictions of faith, fantasy, and humanity.
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