Wolfsbane, also known as monkshood and devil’s helmet, is scientifically a genus of plants called aconitum that are herbaceous perennials of the Ranunculaceae family with 250 species of flowering plants found mainly in mountainous regions. It is extremely poisonous to humans when ingested, and just a touch or scent of it can cause a Were or Vampire to go into a rage. Mages have developed anti-turning vaccines to prevent accidental turning for those who interact with Weres on a regular basis that uses cultured wolfsbane as its base. They have also been able to create a drug that works similarly to benzodiazepines that can be used to calm stressed out, injured or rage-filled Were in a similar way of having an Omega present. This drug uses combinations of Chinese Aconite, European Monkshood, Aconitum ferox, Aconitum noveboracense, and Aconitum fischeri to create 10 types of heavily diluted sedatives, as it can be quite potent and act more like a poison than a medical treatment in large doses, that are used in rotation to prevent certain Were from becoming immune from long period sedative usage. Altered wolfsbane for medical purposes is only reliable for ten months after the initial brewing before losing the effectiveness. Expired altered wolfsbane is also considered to be more dangerous and likely act as a poison on those it is used upon, if not disposed of properly through Wiccan or Mage supervised fire consumption. Wolfsbane allergies cause the afflicted Were to react as humans do to the toxicity of the sedatives, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and death from heart or respiratory failure. The wolfsbane allergy can be countered using magically altered Atropine if given to the affected Were within three hours of wolfsbane sedative dosing.
Information for Wolfsbane taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aconitum and the wonderful creativity of the author's imagination.
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