Confused by the sudden response, I asked her how and why she knew. She answered, “Security Cameras, Bonehead! Besides, you already posted online that you were ‘kicked’ out of your house.” Yeah… forgot about that one. Wait! Does that mean she reads my blog? I got to ask…
“...And no, your friend told me that, not your blog…” She continued. Darn it, I really thought she was interested in me. She’s not finished yet though, “You start tomorrow… now get out of here!” Ouch… that was harsh. Well, at least I can go home now and tell my mother that I got a job.
I go for the front door of the store when the employee from earlier stop me before I went out. “Now, you may have got the job, but stay away from my girl. Or it will be game over for you, punk.” Slightly disturbed and worried, I shuffled my feet toward the door as the employee continues to give me a glare.
I officially walk out and realized that it stopped raining. As I turn around, I see the sign of my new job. Looking at the sign read, ‘Yawa’, I start to think about my future. How I finally took a leap for a job and am becoming more of a man than my father was ever toward me. The fact of how he left my mother crept back into my thoughts like a plague.
It was interrupted by Amy, the manager, giving me a friendly wave. It was less hostile than how she talked to me earlier. As if she liked me. That thought demolished the thoughts before as I walk home under a rainbow.
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