Does anyone know who James Charles' biggest supporter is? Logan Paul! No more of being the most hated youtuber! James Charles helped him, so Logan Paul is grateful for James Charles and Logan Paul is happy now
Anyway back to the timeline and everyone needs to listen up. One time T series (hey, did u remember to sub?) saw Logan Paul and whipped his ass. Then I came in and I met T series in real life and I was amazed. But then I saw Logan Paul and was kinda sorry for him but then I remembered I was in the same room as T series (omg) and kicked out Logan Paul. Then T series called in his servant and this guy came who happened to be THE GUY WHO SOLD ME THE CONDOMS AND MADE MY DICK FALL OFF! Anyway he recognized me and ran away and I ran after him and tried to catch him but we ran at the same speed.
Then I found a propaganda poster: Jayland & Coleigh (true tho) and I stopped and so did the man. Then I recognized him, he was James Charles. I kicked him but missed, because he had run away chanting "Hippity hoppity, your sexuality is now my property!"
I murdered myself for being so stupid (wait how did I die if I'm already dead)
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