I ran. Actually, I'd say I slipped around frantically towards the Barracks. It wasn't my job to report a sight from the watch but I had to at least let the first defenders know before the sirens blared. Though the only noise I could hear was the sound of water and my footsteps... A realization dawned on me as I reached a wall of the Barracks.
Nobody knew something was out there.
I cursed the name of a few people, turning around to dash back to the watch bunker. I stumble on opening the door and slam it open, clambering inside while panting. Those within jumped from the sudden noise or yawned with drowsiness. THEY WERE. The anger welled up but I breathed deep and set it aside in my mind.
"Hey welcome back greenie." The male who spoke to me had his back turned on his binocular ports. In fact, all of them weren't giving any thought to actually doing the work they were assigned.
"Thanks. I take it I missed a tea party or something? Have you guys looked outside even once today?"
"Hey, can it rook. We know how to do our job and don't need you barging in here-" I stormed up to a set of binoculars, shoving the male aside. "Hey watch it! You could ask!"
I ignored him and peered through to search the forest. Sure enough, I saw a pillar of fire again, which caused a cold sweat to form on my body. I breathe a shaky breath and turn towards the scowling watch.
"Northeast forty. Moving slowly probably will be noticeable at forty-five." I step aside, standing firm with a glare fixated on his skull.
"Tch. New kids always think they know everything." The male steps around me to look into his equipment. "What are you even blabbering about the only thing in that direction is rain and wi-" His voice dropped as his face paled.
"Jae? What is it?"
The others had some concern finally show as if awakening from a mental sleep. The male pulled his face from the binoculars frightened. He glanced back at me and all I did was glare back at him. He puffed in anger before releasing a frustrated sigh.
"The greenie is right! We have visuals of fire pillars at forty-five degrees, NorthEast. Notify the scouts right now and keep tracking the visuals." Puzzled looks all around as the rain pretended to be the silence in the room. "Now! This is not a drill!" Eyes widened from his yelling and everyone clambers into chairs to look outside as preparations for the alarm to blare was made.
"I'll be heading back into the base, I have to be briefed before reacting." I turn as a hand grips my shoulder. I look at the Male who held me back with a cold stare. He didn't have the same angry expression as before with fear being prominent in his face.
"I was an asshole before. I think I can speak for everyone that we all have been acting like one. If... if you hadn't come back to do your job we wouldn't have known..." He was shaking. His fear was starting to shrug off onto me as I began to get nervous. Was there something out there I hadn't seen other than the pillars of fire? He shakes his head to seemingly clear his head. "You need to get going. Being late for the briefing is bad and I feel they need you the most." I was taken aback mostly from the simple sincerity of his apology and deflated a bit from my anger.
"A-aye Jae. Just keep watching it." I turn and dash out of the watch bunker. As soon as I was out of the door I heard the siren blare out into the base and realized that I didn't recognize it. It was certainly one I never heard during my training as they were short low vibrations of noise. This one sounded like the siren on a transport got caught on a particular shrill note and was changing pitch only slightly. It honestly hurts my ears so I tried to cover them as I ran to the barracks.
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