When Joshua arrives at school he sees two bullies waiting for him the bullies names are Jackson Petterson, Andrew Hicks they have bullied him for the last two school years and he kinda hates them he's very glad he's going to 7th grade so he doesn't have to deal with them. Jackson approaches him whats up nerd think you can sneak past us no way dweeb, I know right Jackson this dweeb thinks he can avoid us, WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU WANT MY LUNCH MONEY? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME TELL ME WHAT DO YOU WANT! I want you to leave and never come back, nerd, wait a 100 days then I'm gone and we don't deal with each other, okay you broke my nose you almost broke my arm can we just be cool for the rest of the year? what you think this is to Andrew this kid really thinks we can just be cool can you believe this guy, I know right why would we listen to you dweeb probably the dumbest kid in the school like you believe this kid, my friend Alex walks in and says yea I can believe this kid all he wants you to do is leave him alone tell me what did he ever do to you please tell me because I positively wanna know come on you can tell me. the bullies shut up they don't say anything, I thought you were the big and bad kids huh especially you JACKSON Andrew ahh not so much he just does it so he doesn't it get beat that's still pretty messed up but still COME ON SAY SOMETHING JACKSON I THOUGHT YOU WERE SO BIG AND BAD! what's the difference between talking to me and Joshua TELL ME TELL WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE! well, the difference is that Joshua is a stupid nerd and your well different your not a nerd and your not stupid I don't know. exactly YOU DON'T KNOW NOW LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE AND STOP. Thanks, Alex no problem Joshua hey you tell me if they mess with you again okay thank you see you in first period. The first period comes Hello class Mr. Mcglaghucan isn't here today so I will be your teacher for the day. oh god a sub, do you have something to say to the whole class? No sir, okay then don't speak like I was saying your teacher is absent today and I will be your substitute my name is Mr.Smith or if you don't have any respect you call me Mr.S Lets play a game I have a ball and when you get the ball you will say your name and something you like to do or something you like to watch or play or something about yourself. Oh god,Alex, we have one of those annoying teachers who say if you don't remember there name they say you have no respect like how does that make any sense? I know right this period is gonna be extra boring and annoying today this is gonna be hell, Josh. I know right take off to hell in 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF, the boys laughed and laughed really hard. You boys have a joke to tell the class, no Mr.S we don't oh okay so no respect and talking during class may I have your full names? why are full names just in case there's someone else in this class with your name why do you want our names in the first place? Because I'm going to tell your teacher the disrespect you're giving me, okay but we didn't do anything we made a joke once and laughed about it what's so bad about that? okay, you wanna backtalk to an adult to that's more to the list here let me tell you, boys, what you did talk in class twice called me Mr.S and that means you have no respect and you were back talking. Whatever are names are Joshu... NO NO NO NO NO THERE WILL BE NO WHATEVER TO ME YOU SHOW RESPECT TO ME JUST TELL ME YOU NAMES AND GO TO THE OFFICE YOU GUYS ARE GOING HOME FOR THE DAY. Okay, cool our like I was saying, NO THIS IS NOT COOL THIS IS ON YOUR PERMANENT RECORD. like I was saying for the second time our names are Joshua Willams and Alexander Miller, OKAY TO THE OFFICE NOW COME ON GO FASTER.
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