Natalie awoke nestled in Gar’s warm fur, his bear scent blocking everything else from her mind. She sighed and sat up. The sun gleamed through the trees as the wind whispered through the leaves.
“She wakes.”
Natalie turned toward the voice. Taymyr lay coiled a few feet away, the sun falling full on his mottled body. His eyes were no longer red; a golden light, a reflection of the sun perhaps, gleamed richly in their depths.
“Finally,” Jarin said, dropping from the branch above.
Natalie stood. “What happened?”
Gar shook his head and Natalie tumbled, buzzing her wings swiftly to keep from striking the ground. “We must leave you with him, Natalie. Only you can hear your answer. Come Jarin.”
Natalie hovered as Jarin and Gar disappeared through the forest. She turned slowly until she faced the viper. “What happened?”
Taymyr raised his head and slithered closer until his eyes were inches from Natalie. “You came upon me in the Time of Ascension when Shiva’s Sight searched for its place within me. Reason fled for a time and left only base emotions, but I See now. Vision holds me.” The gold within his eyes swam but Natalie felt no fear.
She sighed. “Why can’t I heal, Taymyr? Why do I burn?”
Taymyr sighed. “You are different.”
“What kind of answer is that?” Natalie felt scarlet seep into her wings.
“I See the eventualities of the future not the realities of the past. I do not know why you cannot heal. I have no answer for you.”
“I am different? That’s you great answer? Some Answerer you are.” Natalie turned her back on the snake, her scarlet wings even brighter.
“Natalie, no one has an answer for you.”
“You’re lying.”
“I am not. Perhaps you have pixie blood or you are touched by a curse or your parents angered the spirits, or you did yourself. There are many possibilities, but no answer. You cannot heal. You’ll never be able to. Whether you accept this or not, it is truth.”
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