June, 30th.
Dear, Mr. Raven.
Once again have you forgotten to include your phone number. That being the case, I would ask first that you please call the office at once and speak to either my self, or, if I should happen to be unavailable when you call, my assistant Casper. You may call collect if necessary, but I would really like to talk to you myself because I feel sure that you may not realize how popular you have become, or how important and necessary contact with your readers can be. I don’t know if your aware of it ,but fan sites are springing up all over the internet and we receive tons of fan mail and gifts daily for you, which will be boxed and forwarded to you separate from this letter. I have mentioned the requests for a book signing tour in previous letters, but should tell you that those requests are now reaching unmanageable proportions. It seams almost every bookstore around the world would love to have you visit and are sure the signings would be a major success. While you could not possible hit every store, we think that one store in every major city would be manageable. I would also like to urge you to consider giving an interview or two, and am including the letters we have received from various publications regarding this. As you will notice, these requests come from more then romance publications. Your popularity has gone mainstream, as is reflected by the fact that various web news papers, hard copy news papers, web magazines, Manga Sites, and literary magazines are also requesting interviews. We have even had interest from a couple of the morning news and morning talk shows. While the morning news and talk shows would have to be in person, the web news papers, hard copy news papers, web magazines, Manga Sites, and the literary magazines interviews need not be; they could be managed either over the phone or even the internet if you are on it. Are you on the internet? If so, I would also like your e-mail address and would encourage you to get windows messenger, Skype, Facebook messenger, or something similar like that. So that I could speak to you in such a way.Several of my writers have Facebook messenger, and we find it quite convenient and much quicker then normal mail. There is much more I would like to discuss with you.
Please remember to phone this office as soon as possible, collect if necessary. Again, I am sending this letter over night express.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Paxton Booth (Editor.)
Turba publish House Publishing Co, Inc. U.S.A.
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