Vesryn Ascarth, son of Vrai Ascarth and heir to her mother’s throne was one of two left to command the Kingdom, his brother Nassaire Ascarth tended to the mediale matters. After their mother had left they had chosen to take everything to themselves as they could never trust the advisors.
They were Vrai’s sons and they both knew that the Lord of Death didn’t care about her kingdom any longer, without them or her advisors she would allow the revolution within her Kingdom to conquer everything except for the palace. Vrai had become distant when Setir Vael died and it stayed that way for hundreds of years. She wandered the palace but everyone beneath her knew that she did nothing to benefit her kingdom. She had passed on control to her sons and to the assassin, Etiene, who had remained her only loyal ally throughout the years. At least, that is what Vesryn understood. The name, Etiene, was all Vesryn truly knew about the assassin. He was old and their mother trusted him with her life. From what Etiene had told Vesryn, she only spoke to Setir’s five trusted assassins and him.
With the revolution gaining popularity in the kingdom Vesryn had agreed to meet with the leader, Kurth Gatlin, under Etiene’s advisement.
Light streams in as the doors are opened by the guards, Vesryn doesn’t greet the man despite standing on the second-floor balcony of the main hall. He makes his way to his study tucked into the back of the library and waits for one of the assassins to bring Gatlin to him.
“Come in,” Vesryn says when the metal knocker is pulled from the wooden door.
Kurth Gatlin steps inside followed by a lower assassin that Vesryn does not recognize. The man is wrapped in a fur cloak, his face is cleanly shaved and his hair neatly cut to his head. Gatlin’s appearance clearly marks his status while Vesryn’s appearance offends his own position. “Is the King coming?” Gatlin asks uncomfortably as he looks around the room, his gaze always returning to the disheveled man standing behind the desk.
“No, my mother will not be joining us.” Vesryn says as he holds his hand out to the four chairs crammed into the study. “As you may be able to tell, I do not have many visitors and I was uncertain how many you would be bringing with you.”
Gatlin takes a seat after dragging the chair closer to the desk. “I had no idea anyone else was invited, even then, it would seem as more of a threat if I were to bring guards.” He says cautiously.
“I believe you are sitting in the heart of my family’s palace, if you chose to threaten me your life would be cut short abruptly.” Vesryn leans back in his chair and taps his ringed fingers against the wood of the ornate arm rests on his chair. He pauses for a few moments. “I have always wondered why there are uprisings here. We don’t govern you.”
Gatlin shakes his head. “It’s your lack of rule that harms us.” He answers and he takes a necklace from behind his cloak and places it on the table. “This is all I have of my wife, a dragon scorched my home while I was away, my wife and unborn child with it. We can’t fight against the beasts and we need you to do something about it.”
“Of what species was this dragon?” Vesryn says abruptly, choosing not to apologize for Gatlin’s loss.
“They are all dragons to us. The species means nothing, it burned when it died. What does the species have to do with anything?” The man answers abruptly.
Vesryn laughs, his irritation of the man growing as he listens to nonsense. “The dragon was a warrior who was wounded in battle. Do you think this dragon had a choice of where it died?”
“This isn’t the only instance. Children have disappeared into the woods and never returned, we are losing people every day. You must do something about it.” Gatlin says. “My people are terrified, if nothing is done then we will take the throne by force.”
“I apologize for the inconvenience of coming here to ask for the throne but you are incapable of holding the power that comes with it.” Vesryn says, his black eyes meeting Kurth’s hazel ones. “I will offer you a seat at the Assembly.”
Deep lines form on the man’s face. “What is the Assembly?” He asks. “Is everything about this place governed in secret?”
Vesryn leans back in his chair, twirling his long hair around his finger. “It is not governed in secret, although many decisions are made without the public’s opinion.” He pauses for a second, taking in the bewilderment on Kurth’s face. Mortals never had anything to do with the Lords decisions. “The Assembly is a group of individuals tasked with giving their advisory to the Lords. In the way the government is supposed to run the Assembly advises the most powerful being, the Keeper. For now a position as a part of the Assembly would leave you with time spent and nothing accomplished as there is no Keeper in power.”
“I don’t believe you understand.” The man continues. “A large majority of your citizens are supporting me.”
Vesryn narrows his eyes. “I don’t believe you understand either. The last uprising wasn’t dealt with in a pleasant manner. Currently we are in a difficult situation and your little revolution isn’t something that we even want to consider sorting out. If you don’t dismantle the revolution then I will have no option but to send dragons to burn the town to the ground.”
“You sent the dragons?” He gasps.
Vesryn stands up. “The dragons are their own but we share a mutual understanding.”
“Can I speak to their King?”
Vesryn shakes his head. “Their king is not here. You must have lived long enough to understand that no one wants to rule in Drescosia. If you were to succeed in taking this crown then you would be desperate to part with it. If you want a crown then go to The Nohen, simpler wars to fight.”
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