Storyline episode pilot of 702 Liberty Lane Seville house... "Davezilla! It's time for go to school or you will be late." His adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker dad chipmunk Alvin Seville said. "Yes. I guess so," Dad. He banged out of his room. Arrival at the school... "Good morning," Dionne. "I think you take a look at this," Colossal Dave. His normal-size companion points at the wall of graffiti. "Oh wells? Someone painted some graffiti on the it," Dionne? He suspected. "I don't know. Huh?" "Dionne and Colossal Davezilla! Come with me and discuss about this." Principal Perkins seems disappointed with me and her colossal befriend. Duration in her office... "I swear that I didn't it," Prinicpal Perkins! "Quiet! Look at security camera of both you." She showed this to me and her colossal befriend. "That's me and you," Colossal Davezilla. "I don't understand why they look like us on security cameras video," Dionne? He seems suspicious and noticed on TV. "I have to call your parents and I have suspended both of you for vandalism. Prinicpal Perkins picked the phone and talk to my mom and his adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker dad chipmunk Alvin Seville about it. Although in the gigantic clubhouse at the backyard of 702 Liberty Lane Seville house... "Dionne, we are suspended and been framed by the mysterious punks look like us last night." My colossal befriend chats his normal-size companion by a blue cellphone. "Prinicpal Perkins didn't understand or believe us," Colossal Davezilla. She chatted him by her pink cellphone in the next door. "Hmm... We will find out who did to frame us?" He thinks of his idea. "Sure! I guess so." Spying behind of the tree at school... "Look at there," Dionne! "That's the mysterious punks disguise as us, nor what we do with them," Colossal Davezilla? "We will catch the puns and show them to Prinicpal Perkins." Whatever funny happens at the wall of school... "We framed my wimp sister Dionne and her befriend Colossal Dave thought we were vandalized on this last night," Bobcater. My twin sister Donna deviously laughs at her assistant sidekick Bobcater is in robot of colossal Mr. Seville. "Yeah. Oh!?" "I knew both of you who framed me and my befriend colossal Dave," Creeps!? "Let's run before they catch us," Bobcater. My twin sister Donna getaway from her wimp sister Dionne. "You get him and I take care of her," Colossal Davezilla? His normal-size companion tween girl ordered to him recently. "Yes sir," Dionne. Continuous chasing... "You never stop me," Colossal Mr. Seville! Donna's assistant sidekick Bobcarter Humphery is in a robot of Colossal Davezilla. "I catch you can't go away from me," Pun! "Ahh! Put me down," Colossal Mr. Seville!? "Bobcater Humphrey? You are using a disguise robot look like me!?" My befriend colossal Davezilla doubts and noticed at him. "That's loudest!? Huh?" "I got my twin sister Donna is disguised like me. We take them to prove Prinicpal Perkin will unsuspend us," Colossal Dave. "Definitely! I guess so," Dionne. The next day morning in the school... "I am sorry for wrongful on both of you." Prinicpal Perkin discussion with me and his befriend colossal Davezilla. "It's okay. What's about my twin sister Donna and her assistant sidekick Bobcater Humphrey," Prinicpal Perkins? "I give them to chores of washing on the graffiti of wall by officer Dangus babysitting Donna and her assistant sidekick Bobcarter Humphery." She replied. "Oh. Colossal Davezilla, we better go to our next class before get late?" "Sure! I guess so, Dionne. Winking eye!" Her befriend colossal Davezilla agreed with his normal-size companion tween girl. The End!
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