This comic was originally inspired by the fact that so much art depicting Mary and Jesus traditionally usually focus on either Jesus’ birth or his death, and very little about their relationship in the time between, especially when it comes to Jesus’ life before he started his ministry at “around thirty years of age” as the Gospel of Luke states. With this story, I wanted to give a little view of Mary and her life, showing how she related to her son, her husband, and the world that they lived in. Mary is someone who, in scripture, is aware of herself, her world, and her situation, who “ponders things in her heart” and who proclaims and gives prophecy of God “casting down the mighty from their thrones and uplifting the humble.”
You can read more of my research and info on the original post here:
Hi ok these comics are amazing and represent a fascinating look into parts of religion that are often overlooked by their followers. Sorry if this sounds overly eloquent but I drank 4 cups of coffee today and slept a solid 3 hours last night and spent the entire day out and about but for some reason words are working pretty well for me rn but anyways love the comics keep it up I would love to see more consistent updates but don't feel obligated ❤️❤️❤️
Mermaids, angels, the wrath of God, and the behavior of strange creatures called Human Beings. A collection of short comics exploring unnerving but beautiful contradictions of faith, fantasy, and humanity.
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