Justin: Freckles, so cute. His eyes are so gentle, yet knowing. Like he sees right through me.
Gavin: "Hey, quit staring at me you weirdo."
Justin: Well shit, he caught me staring. "I was just thinking, about how short you are Gav." I can't help but smile as he glares at me.
Gavin: "Stop it. Just because you're tall, does not mean you need to always call me short." You ass.
Justin: "Oh, you like it." He's so cute when he's mad.
Justin laced his right hand with Gavin's left. They walked to Ann's Diner, where the rest of their friends were waiting. They sat down in the now crowded booth next to Gwen. On the other side Marcus, Lilli, and Denis sat in that order. Maddie came to the booth with a notepad in the hand and a smile on her lips as she took in her brother and his friends. "Hey guys, what are we having today?" Ask Maddie cheerfully. After eating, (Justin and burger, Gavin french fries, Gwen pancakes, Lilli a chocolate milkshake, Denis a muffin, and Marcus a bagel) they race each other to the park, which is three blocks away. Denis is first, then Lilli, Gwen, Marcus, and Justin, whom carried Gavin bridal style, despite many protests from Gavin.
Justin: Damn Gav, the cutest. "Hey, what are we going to do when school starts? We only have two months left of Summer." Said Justin. They all looked at each other in silence.
Justin: I'm sad, knowing that when school starts, Gwen, Lilli, and Denis will be the popular kids that others dream of being friends with. And me, Gav, and Marcus will be the outcasts, the target for bullies. And poor Gav, he can't really stand up for himself. He's fragile, and so sweet. Evan will go after him, because he knows that Gav is the weakest.
Gavin: Justin starts crying, still lost in thought. So I take the few steps to him, and give him a hug. Even if I'm a bit short, and he's tall.
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