Lilli: When Gwen and I walk into the door of our house, I notice that the clock to our right says the time 8 p.m. . 30 minutes later than we are supposed to be home. Oh no, no no no no no.
"Gweny, and my precious Lily Pond are late. Why would you be late?" Asked Mr. Chastin. "Especially when you know I love you, my Lily Pond. And when Gweny should be cleaning. Lilliethana, you should be making my dinner, wearing that cute apron I got you."
Lilli: I can feel my gut twist, and I know these feelings all too well, dread, and fear. My father takes the few steps to me and Gwen. I can feel her shiver, and I tremble.
Gwen: My sister shrinks in his sight. She's an exact twin to our mother. The only difference is Lilli's eyes, paler and more wary. Other than that they're identical.
Gavin: I knock on Lilli and Gwen's door. Expecting one of them to answer, but a man, who I believe to be Mr. Chastin, answers. "Hi, I'm Gavin. Uh, can I talk to your daughter's?" Mr. Chastin looks at me, I'm honestly a little scared. He looks mad.
Justin: I walk up behind Gavin, and see a scary man in the doorway. I can see that Gavin's scared, so I put my Brave face on. "Hello sir, you must be Mr. Chastin. I'm Justin." I said a bit douchey.
"Are you trying to get with my daughter's?" Mr. Chastin asked, pointing at Justin and Gavin angrily.
Justin: Oh dear, he's one of these. Gav's gone pale, um, what do I do? "No sir, never. Gavin and I are, uh, together. And just friends with Lilli and Gwen." Right after I said this, Gav grabbed my right hand with his left. I blushed a little, and so did he.
Gavin: I can't believe he just said that to save us, it's kind of crazy to think about. If we were actually dating... That would, not happen of course. It's a sweet thought though.
Mr. Chastin turned around and yelled, "Lilliethana, Gwenivir! You have gay friends that wish to see you! But no funny business!" Lilli and Gwen walked up to Justin and Gavin, smiling. Mouthing the words 'thank you' and winking at the two of them.
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