I guess I can count this as the first MSTT novel...?
I will also be posting about daily things that happen in my life.
I would also like to give a special thanks to my friends Fufu and Mirio for inspiring my idea for this novel.
One thing that seems to make people depressed, or sad, or the most stressed, is regret of making a decision.
Regret of making a decision can cause many side effects. One of the most common is guilt.(Idek where I am going with this -|||||-)...?
Dealing with guilt is very hard, especially when you don't know how to express these feelings in a that solves this problem, while making both sides of the problem somewhat happy?good?okay?... or something.
Comment down below a mistake or choice that you regret and/or are guilty about to have some MSTT about it in the next episode. -///-
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