Greer smiled as she answered her phone in her room, she had a potential dream guy on her phone, and she was wearing his jacket. Luce and Sato had been properly distracted, so now she knew this would go perfectly. “Hi, so is this going to be a thing where you call me before I can call you?”
“Yup, every time.” Johnson smiled on his side of the line. “How were your clothes? I’d be worried if such a cute outfit got ruined by all that soda.”
Greer couldn’t stop grinning on her side. “Oh, it’s fine… if it’s not, Dewi convinced me to get it anyway. He wants me to try wearing more girly stuff. I don’t normally look so… dressed up. Jeans and t shirts for me. So, ah… we have a date to plan yeah?”
“Yeah, I bought tickets to the Seaside Shore’s Aquarium for Saturday. I was thinking I could pick you up at your apartment?” He phrased it as a question to see if that was a good idea that she was fine with.
Greer chuckled. “I don’t know… it might be a long walk; you might not make it.” She looked at the apartment and the guys talking about things. She knew most of them would be sleeping in on Saturday or already out so… “I hate to ask, but can we maybe meetup at I wake up early and the guys don’t. The boys live here too and after the last date I had they’re um…”
Johnson chuckled slightly. “That’s fine, I completely understand. It’s better to get there first thing so we can spend more time together. I’m planning to drive, and we can have lunch there. I also made reservations for dinner. Where is going to be a surprise though.”
Greer smiled. “Well, that sounds really good to me. I didn’t have anything special I do on Saturday’s so, yeah. Lots of time to get to know each other.” She carefully laid on her bed, looking at the ceiling. “And I’m sure we won’t have any soda tidal waves.” She paused thinking. “Oh but if your work needs you to cut things short, don’t feel bad ok? You have an important job. Even some time will be nice. I don’t know how cases work and all...”
"You won't have to worry about that. I took Saturday off under needing me time." Johnson laughed. "My chief almost had a heart attack and started insisting that I don't change my mind anytime soon. Turns out he thinks I work too much and need a vacation day."
Greer grinned a bit. “We could, if this date goes well, maybe do a workout date together. I like the guys coming with but I could use someone I know can spot me.” She had no idea why she was feeling so bold, suggesting a second date before the first, it had to be the jacket.
Johnson's eyes lit up from the excitement. "I would love to spot you at the gym! Which gym do you go to? We could try lining up our schedules later and make it a routine to go together."
Greer was trying not to giggle, but one slipped out. “Well… it’s sort of a private gym. But I’ll see if I can get you in, or I can meet you at yours. We can decide on the date… so um, anything else we need to decide before we hang up? Or… anything we need to make off limits for conversation?”
Johnson acted partly hurt and made his voice pouty. “You want to get rid of me so soon?” He laughed so she would understand he was joking. “I don’t have any off-limit topics and will be up front about anything you want to talk about Saturday, so it’s all up to you what topics you want to avoid.”
“Ok, cool I just… I dunno. Same for me but I don’t promise my answers to be all that smart?” she chuckled. “I’m more of a do it kinda girl so… some stuff doesn’t make sense to me I guess.”
Greer didn’t want to hang up but heard one of the boys threatening to eat the kung pow chicken. “So, I better go… we ordered Chinese. And pizza apparently. Maybe… talk to you before the date later? Or text?”
“Definitely!” Johnson paused, unsure if he should say the three words rolling around his head before hanging up.
“Great, see you then!” Even her voice was smiling as she hung up, this was going to be great. A nice long date, no pressure.
Johnson kicked himself for only a second for not saying those three words yet, but quickly focused on the things he did accomplished. He had scored a full day to hang out and get to know her!
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