Greer was trying to put the finishing touches on herself. She had taken out and put back in her earrings 3 times before deciding to just go with her normal set and an ear cuff on the right side. It looked nicer that way. She kept checking her backpack for everything she might need, including a dose of the liquid medicine in case the primary meds wore off too soon, and her cash and such. Greer didn’t want to make him pay for everything the first date. She looked in the mirror for the 15th time since she got dressed. No glow. Meds were working. No sharknado for her. It would be FINE. And she had prepared for any contingency a date may bring her, although some of them well… she blushed. It was too early for that sort of thing, wasn’t it?
Johnson was probably even more nervous than Greer as he waited at the door of the apartment, she told him over the phone. He took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door with his free hand. The other hand filled with a huge bouquet of flowers, one hundred and eight red roses specifically.
Greer opened the door and saw the roses. She had never seen so many in her life. “Oh, wow I um…. WOW… Gimme a sec.” She quickly took them and brought them to the sink to keep fresh in cold water, with a note to the boys to please help her find vases for them. “I didn’t know they made rose bouquets so big!” She made sure they were stable and turned. She was convinced into wearing the lovely blue dress that Dewi helped her pick out. She had also remembered to get a haircut, so it was a bit more trimmed up and less shaggy. “I hope I look ok. I haven't worn this one out before… and figured a first date I should look a bit nicer.”
“You look beautiful in anything you wear.” Johnson smiled, glad that the roses weren’t too much. He figured she didn’t understand the reasoning behind the amount, he didn’t until he was conferring with the girls in his family about his first ever date, but he still wanted to do his best with this date and their relationship, so he had decided on this amount. He almost did seventy-seven, but he wanted to go even further.
Johnson was right about Greer not getting it, she was more concerned with where they would all go and getting going before any of the boys had a chance to do anything. She quickly pulled on her sneakers and popped out of the door. “Alright, ready to go and… um oh, I have a special drink in my backpack. If my eyes are glowing and I’m completely freaking out, just get it to me. It helps.”
“Ok, I’ll do my best.” Johnson did a mini salute towards her. He knew how important mixtures and pills could be for power users. He had seen plenty of powers gone wrong end up at the station just because they forgot to use their meds.
Greer smiled and awkwardly pulled his jacket out of her backpack. “I thought you might want this back by the way. I carefully cleaned it up for you…”
“You should keep it; it was actually getting a little small on me and I have more back at home.” Johnson lightly pushed it back towards her.
She didn’t argue as she walked down the stairs. She smiled a bit as she took off the backpack and put the jacket on. “Thanks, I um, always wanted a jacket like this.” She pulled it around her a bit, hoping he didn’t notice too much.
Johnson did notice. He thought it was so adorable to see her cuddling up in his jacket. They kept walking down the stairs until they were outside. She looked to him. “So, um shouldn’t take us long to get there. Think they’ll be open, or should we get a coffee first?”
“They should be just opening when we get there, but we can go for coffee to avoid the opening stream of people if you want.” Johnson wanted to make this date mainly about her and treat her right, so he left the choice to her to decide.
Greer shook her head. “Nah if it’s open, let’s go straight there. I’ve only lived here a few months, so I don’t know what’s up.” She grinned a bit. “Besides, we can see who’s more awake- us or the sea-life.”
Johnson grinned back. “It would be kinda cute to see who yawns more, you or the seals.”
Greer stuck her tongue out. “I wake up early every day to work out thank you. I still did a quick morning run before you came, so there.” She took his arm as they got near his car. “Let’s go… I’m looking forward to a soda and arrest free outing with you.”
Johnson obliged and got into the driver’s seat after making sure to get the door for her and make sure she was comfortable on the passenger side. Greer got in and looked over the car. She could tell it was well taken care of, and the type that you’d expect an officer to be able to afford. She was a bit worried about the roses but cleared it from her mind. If he spent it, he probably had the cash. She’d get on him if it happened too much though. She smiled a bit, look at her, already assuming there’d be more than one time. Greer looked to him. “So, while we are heading over… I’d love to get to know you more. Want to tell me about being a police officer?”
Johnson was all smiles as he started the car and started down the rabbit hole of all the little details of his job and what it entailed. Before they knew it they were pulling into the aquarium’s parking lot. Johnson blushed when he realized how much he had been talking. “I’m sorry I was talking so much… Work is one of the main things I can get REALLY passionate about…”
Greer was smiling, her eyes shining. “Oh, don’t apologize. I love people who are passionate and competent. It doesn’t matter if it’s even over little things. I find it VERY attractive.” She grinned a bit. “You didn’t think I wanted your number just because you had a cute butt, did you?”
“You really think my butt is kawaii?”
Greer laughed. “Oh man, if you are into comics and manga too, I better get ready to fight off all the girls. I think I can handle it if they come in groups of 5 or less.” She started to get out of the car.
“I need something to do while on stake outs.” Johnson smiled, glad that Greer seemed to also enjoy some of the same hobbies as him.
She smiled and looked towards the water, feeling the breeze go by. “I need to come out here for runs sometime… lil run, quick dip… maybe some volleyball…”
“Are you implying that you want our second date to be a beach date?” Johnson imagined Greer in a swimsuit and his smile grew even brighter.
She looked back. “Well… we should get through this date first, I think. Then plan the next one. I imagine our schedules will make some planning a little tricky.” She walked over and took his hand. “So… shall we?” She was blushing a bit but trying to act like she wasn’t.
“Of course, my darling.” He squeezed her hand lightly, it fit so perfectly in his. He led the way to the entrance and handed over the two tickets he had bought the other day.
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